Africa at IE
Welcome to “Africa at IE”, a platform where you can find all Africa related information from strategic projects & partnerships to Alumni testimonials & contacts. In the last few years, one of IE’s main focus has been the African continent not only to train the next generation of African leaders but also to demonstrate to the rest of IE’s student body & faculty the value of the African continent in terms of business innovation, the plurality of its realities and what IE can learn from Africa. After all, it is the continent of the future!
We have not only increased our partnerships on the continent but also run projects across the continent. We have an African student body of more than 150 students taking IE’s diversity to the next level, two regional offices in Sub Saharan Africa, and activities in more than 20 African cities!
It has been a true pleasure putting together this platform as it is a good way to transmit our true passion for Africa.
We hope you will find it insightful!
“I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me.” ― Kwame Nkrumah
Sabine Yazbeck
Leveraging a fast growing alumni network on the continent as well as partnerships with private, public and non-profit organizations, IE’s vision is to promote business innovation and social entrepreneurship in Africa through knowledge generation, research and technology.
With over 100 students from all over Africa that enroll at IE each year
Innovative Academic Content
That incorporates the most recent trends in management and is relevant to the realities of doing business in Africa
Alumni Network
Our alumni network across Africa continues to grow, spanning the entire continent
Local Presence
We are active in over 20 cities across Africa and have regional offices in Lagos and Johannesburg to ensure that we are close to our alumni and prospective students
Innovative Events
Each year IE hosts over 60 events aimed at different educational interests in over 20 cities and 10 countries across Africa
Partnerships and collaborations
IE partners with private, public & non profit African organizations to educate & equip the next generation of global leaders
Our Initiatives
Africa At IE partners with African innovators and their institutions on the continent and across the diaspora, to build academic content and research designed to reshape the world.
Kistefos Young Talented Leaders Scholarship
Kistefos Young Talented Leaders Scholarship
The Kistefos Young Talented Leaders Scholarship at IE was set up thanks to the generosity of Kistefos AS and its founder Christen Sveeas. With the aim of breaking financial barriers to higher education for students from Norway, Ethiopia, Liberia and South Africa, this scholarship is the most recent instalment in IE Foundation’s Talent Without Borders program.

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our Africa Speaker Series, a community of thought leaders across the continent in technology, finance, governance, education and, health. The first edition – a four-part series on ‘Digitizing Africa for the Future’ took place in February 2021 and explored how the current global landscape has spurred digital transformation in Africa.
Latest News
Africa Virtual Speaker Series: Digitizing Africa for the Future
We are excited to announce our first Africa Speaker Series featuring some of Africa’s leading experts in finance, governance, education and, health. Our speaker series will focus on how the current global landscape has spurred digital transformation in Africa.
COVID Resilience in Africa – IE University launches Africa Challenge
The IE University Business Challenge on COVID resilience in Africa, kicked off in October with over 350 IE undergraduate business students providing consulting services for five companies across the African continent. Read more
Regional Offices
18A Olu Holloway road (formerly Temple road)
Alfred Rewane road, Ikoyi, Lagos
+234 1 4606511 Ext. 612