Alejandra Pathe | IE University

Alejandra Pathé-Pastor

About me

My name is Alejandra Pathé-Pastor. Although I am Spanish and French, I have never lived in either country. I went to high school at the International School of Geneva in Switzerland, so the thought of pursuing my undergraduate studies in Madrid and having the chance to live in Spain was incredibly appealing. I am passionate about understanding people’s behaviors and the science behind it, leading to my choice in programs at IE University. When I’m not studying people in the classroom, I’m a keen photographer.

shapeAlejandra Pathé-Pastor
case2Undergraduate Student
studentBachelor in Behavior and Social Sciences
Alejandra Pathe | IE University

"Human beings are extremely complex, and a better understanding of our behavior is essential."

Alejandra Pathé-Pastor

A passion to understand people to drive business

Alejandra Pathé-Pastor has always been curious about how people act and the science behind their behavior. So, when she discovered the Bachelor in Behavior and School Sciences, she knew she’d found the perfect fit. Not only would she be able to focus on people’s behavior, but she would be given the opportunity to explore various disciplines thanks to the diverse nature of the program.

Human beings are extremely complex, and better understanding the choices we make—and the effects those choices have on society at large—is incredibly important. For Alejandra, this deep dive into the science behind the most important pillars of society, like voter behavior and public policy, was exactly what she was looking for.

Most impressed by the neuroscience courses, Alejandra loves learning about the biological basis of behavior through a combination of foundational theory and today’s most up-to-date studies in the field. The ability to apply learning to more recent case studies gives her a glimpse of what she’ll be doing in the world of work in the future. She’s also really enjoyed learning about consumer behavior and how consumers respond to marketing and advertising—she walks away from class excited about the possibility of making a lasting impact on the consumer experience.

Alejandra believes she and her classmates share an interdisciplinary way of thinking and responding. The program’s structure allows students to acquire the fundamentals in social sciences and then move on to more subject-specific sessions, and she sees this as an advantage in gaining a holistic perspective.

Outside of the classroom, Alejandra has taken the opportunity to attend seminars on topics ranging from how to build a sustainable city for the future and transhumanism to trends and strategies in the art sector. She also spent time studying Mandarin and joined the Students’ Philanthropic Foundation.

As for her future, she’d like to pursue a career in consulting, specifically related to consumer behavior in the emerging metaverse and Web 3.0. The Bachelor in Behavior and Social Sciences has equipped her with the qualitative and quantitative skills to approach data in a way that allows her to analyze behavioral patterns. These are skills she’s using to understand how human behavior is shifting with the emergence of Web 3.0. Her fourth-year internship at Valtech further advanced her grasp on evolving technology, giving her a new viewpoint of the behavior and decision-making processes necessary to keep pace with today’s fast-paced world.

As she continues in the program, Alejandra is looking forward to learning more about neuromarketing and behavioral intervention because of their particular relevance in her future career plans. And if she could go back to the beginning of her program, she would urge herself to get out there just a bit more in order to fully utilize the resources at hand, from labs, lectures and events to advice from IE Talent & Careers.

To that end, she’d advise future students to manage their workload well, but to also remain curious and stay on top of current events outside their field of study. Also, she’d remind them to take risks, step out of their comfort zones and participate in anything and everything they possibly can.