Alessandro Franco

About me

I’ve always been a person with many interests. That’s why I chose to study the Dual Degree in Business Administration and Laws, as it gives me the opportunity to explore two interesting fields at the same time. I hope to be able to combine my passion for theater with my degree in law to build a unique and fulfilling career.

shapeAlessandro Franco
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Business Administration and Laws

"What I like the most about IE University is the environment that we live in. We’re exposed to so many different cultures and lifestyles that, by the end of the program, we’ve learned so much from our friends and classmates."

Alessandro Franco

Originally from a small town outside of Milan, Alessandro has also spent a considerable amount of time in London and Dubai. This international background has contributed to his multifaceted personality and given him a global outlook, which is reflected in his choice of university and degree.

Not content with pursuing just one of his interests, Alessandro chose to study the Dual Degree in Business Administration and Laws at IE University. Currently in his second year of the program, he is equally intrigued by both business and law, but is leaning towards building a legal career. He hopes to be able to combine law with another one of his passions—theater.

Alessandro is a member of the theater club in Segovia. He joined the club in his first year of university as an actor and co-director and he’s now the vice president. Much of his interest in theater stems from a deep passion for music. Ever since he was a child, he would listen to old music with his father. These memories have left a strong impression on him and he now considers himself to be something of a music connoisseur.

Alessandro Franco- Student Story Dual Degree in Business Administration and Laws | IE University

With his small town roots, Alessandro has taken to Segovia like a fish to water. The history of the IE University campus in Segovia amazes him everytime he enters the former monastery. He likes that there are so many historical sites to see in the city and that he can walk wherever he needs to go. Most of all, he loves Segovia’s proximity to nature, with hills and streams just minutes away from the city.

Although the learning experience this year has been different due to the pandemic, Alessandro believes the transition has been positive. The Liquid Learning model helps him focus on group projects, which help him push his boundaries and learn using hands-on practice. These projects also prepare him for the IE Labs, which he believes are a great resource to learn what a real-life business looks like. He also hopes to be able to use the professors’ insights and support to discover internship opportunities in the field of law.