Alexandra Eleferenko | IE School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs

Alexandra Eleferenko

About me

My name is Alexandra Eleferenko and I’m from Moscow, but I’ve been living in Spain for a few years. I first came to Madrid for my undergraduate studies at IE University; I really like it here and I’m planning to stay. When I graduated, I decided to enroll in the Master in International Relations. I’m passionate about international affairs and I enjoy learning things both inside and outside the classroom. For example, in my free time, I like to read about different countries to understand people better.

shapeAlexandra Eleferenko
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in International Relations
Alexandra Eleferenko | IE School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs

"The support that I receive from classmates, professors and even some other members of the IE Community helps me to be more confident and feel better in times of uncertainty."

Alexandra Eleferenko

Turning a childhood interest into a transformative academic journey

Alexandra Eleferenko knew that she wanted to study international relations even before she started high school, and now, with a bachelor’s degree in the subject under her belt and currently studying for a master’s degree, she believes that she made the right decision.

Having graduated from the Bachelor in International Relations at IE University, Alexandra decided to stay on to study her master’s degree because she found her IE Experience to be a very enriching one. In addition to valuing the modern technology and facilities at the university, she notes that the IE Community is very friendly and that she always feels supported and encouraged: “The support that I receive from classmates, professors and even some other members of the IE Community helps me to be more confident and feel better in times of uncertainty.”

Her experience so far in the Master in International Relations has been a very positive one. Alexandra says that she is learning a lot, and she enjoys studying a wide variety of topics, ranging from technical to theoretical and even philosophical. She finds the working groups very useful and productive, and highlights the inclusive and tolerant environment, which allows people to be themselves and share their opinions, even if they are different from others’.

Similarly, due to the highly international profile of the university, Alexandra enjoys being able to share and hear different opinions and perspectives from her peers and professors. One of her main goals when she chose to study the Master in International Relations was that she wanted to be a representative of her home country, Russia. She feels that she has achieved this and is proud that she is able to represent her country to an international community—a community that is inquisitive, open-minded and with which she is able to engage in healthy debate. “You can be yourself; you don’t have to hide behind a mask.”

Alexandra Eleferenko | IE School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs
Alexandra Eleferenko | IE School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs

“Believe in yourself and remember that your hard work will pay off.”

Alexandra has taken full advantage of her time at IE University, embracing opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. Since 2021, she has been a contributor for the IE International Policy Review, a student-led academic journal that publishes articles and book reviews focusing on innovation and policy. This, she says, has allowed her to improve her academic writing and research skills and boost her creativity. In 2022, she entered a short essay to the IE Foundation Prizes for the Humanities and was awarded third prize in her category, an achievement that she values very much.

She has also taken part in several short-term, consultancy-based projects, completed a remote internship with a public policy company, Emergence Madagascar, and is now looking forward to starting her Capstone Project. She chose a Capstone Project rather than a thesis for her bachelor’s degree, too, as she was attracted by the opportunity to work on a real-life problem and with a real-world client. After a positive experience, she’s keen to take part in another project and put into practice everything she has learned over the course of her master’s program.

After graduating, Alexandra is looking forward to pursuing her dream of working in a think tank or an international organization, preferably in Madrid. She would like to find a role such as a policy analyst or consultant. She also likes writing articles.  Alexandra is interested in exploring non-traditional types of diplomacy like digital diplomacy or sport diplomacy. Cybersecurity is also a subject that she is very drawn to. “The role of cybersecurity in shaping digital diplomacy is a truly fascinating topic to explore,” she tells us.

What is Alexandra’s advice to anyone considering the Master in International Relations at IE University? “Regularly read political and economic news and also read about how technology influences international relations.” Recognizing the importance that IE University places on the role of technology, she notes that keeping up-to-date with the latest trends will help students to participate in class discussions. She also encourages anyone to use the available resources and ask people about topics they want to understand more. And, above all, “Believe in yourself and remember that your hard work will pay off.”