Alfredo Azcona

About me

Alfredo holds a law degree from UCM, an MBA from IE Business School and a DEA in administrative law. He is currently writing his doctoral thesis in underwater heritage in waters under Spanish jurisdiction at the UNED.

shapeAlfredo Azcona
case2Managing director and founding partner, Ron Agrícola del Sur de España

Alfredo holds a law degree from UCM, an MBA from IE Business School and a DEA in administrative law. He is currently writing his doctoral thesis in underwater heritage in waters under Spanish jurisdiction at the UNED.

Alfredo Azcona

Alfredo has been a mentor of the department of entrepreneurial management at IE Business School since 2003. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Royal Geographical Society.

As a lawyer, Alfredo has provided legal consultation services and worked in HR for multinational corporations in the wine industry. He is a member of the regulatory council of the Rioja DOC, as well as a managing director of some construction companies.

Currently, Alfredo is the managing director and founding partner of Ron Agrícola del Sur de España, a company dedicated to the elaboration and commercialization of rum.