Ander Michelena Llorente

About me

Ander is a 28-year-old from Bilbao with degrees in business administration and finance from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE in Madrid.

shapeAnder Michelena Llorente
case2CEO and co-founder, Ticketbis

Ander is a 28-year-old from Bilbao with degrees in business administration and finance from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE in Madrid.

Ander Michelena Llorente

Ander started his career at Morgan Stanley London, where he specialized in mergers, acquisitions and IPOs of European financial institutions.

In 2009, he left the bank to create, an online market where fans can buy and sell tickets to events, with his partner Jon Uriarte.

In 2014, Ticketbis became a leader in South Europe and Latin America.

Present in more than 30 countries, with over 300 employees in 14 offices, and an annual revenue of €55 million, it’s fair to say that Ticketbis has been wildly successful. Ticketbis has recently began operations in Asia, with a special focus on the Japanese market through Ticketbis Japan.