A smiling woman with red hair sitting at an outdoor setting

Ann-sofie Gilberte M. Verresen

About me

I am originally from Belgium but when I was ten years old, I moved to Algarve, Portugal. I like to describe myself as a very positive person with a strong passion for nature. No obstacle is too great to overcome, which fueled my desire to study the Master in Finance, continuing my studies after completing my undergraduate dual degree at IE University. Currently, I am a corporate advisory associate at Klay Capital Limited in Dubai.

shapeAnn-sofie Gilberte M. Verresen
case2Corporate Advisory Associate, Klay Capital Limited
mapPointBelgium / Portugal
studentMaster in Finance
A group of six friends taking a selfie with a cityscape in the background during daytime.

“I enjoyed the practical approach that IE University takes towards lectures: all the group projects and presentations teach you soft skills, which are extremely important in any professional career.”

Ann-sofie Gilberte M. Verresen

A corporate powerhouse in the making

Ann-sofie believes that there is a lesson to be learned in both failure and success. She does not let mistakes drag her down, but uses them as a way to learn and grow for the future. Drawing her positive outlook from her passion for nature, Ann-sofie loves all types of outdoor activities and anything related to animals. An accomplished horse rider, she has been riding dressage from a very early age: she even won a national championship in Belgium at the age of nine.

This ambition and tenacity have translated well into her professional life. You see, Ann-sofie aspires to become an entrepreneur in the next ten years. Seeking to gain the necessary knowledge and experience to one day run her own company, she started working towards that goal by pursuing the Dual Degree in Business Administration + Laws at IE University. This led to internships at a tax law firm, a reforestation service startup and a steel reinforcement company.

After graduating, however, Ann-sofie came back to IE University to expand her skill set with the Master in Finance. That’s because she strongly believes that holding a fundamental understanding of corporate finance and the markets will be useful in any job or position one holds. For Ann-sofie, being able to analyze any issue from a financial perspective will give her an invaluable edge over her peers.

Choosing IE University for her graduate studies was an easy decision. After all, she recognized how the university had molded her during her undergraduate studies, providing her with the necessary tools for success. Ann-sofie also enjoyed the practical approach that IE University takes toward lectures. All the group projects and presentations were specially designed to teach students soft skills, which are extremely important in any professional career.

Even better, she loved the fact that her professors were actively working professionals too. By bringing real-time problems to the classroom, they added a beneficial dimension to every lecture, both teaching students important underlying concepts as well as the most relevant current events happening in the world.

Upon graduation, she decided to move to Dubai because she wanted to experience a different culture—something IE University sparked in her. She received guidance through the application process, both from career advisors and several career fairs, where she had the chance to meet recruiters and gain insights into what they were looking for in a candidate. This support proved to be invaluable when Ann-sofie received an offer to join Klay Capital Limited in Dubai, where she currently works as a corporate advisory associate. There, she deals with various clients directly in a role that is allowing her to expand her knowledge of many different industries and business models.

The Master in Finance equipped Ann-sofie with hard skills in so many different areas beyond just finance, which are becoming more important in the world today. These skills have allowed her to communicate with a wide range of people, as well as approach traditional financial issues faced by clients from a different perspective. IE University as a whole ensured she was able to communicate effectively in any context and think outside the box.

When asked what advice she would give prospective students, she said, “I would tell them to work as hard as they can.” She notes that although it’s a very rigorous program, it’s well worth the effort because it will really set you apart once you enter the job market.

Ann-sofie knows the hard work and dedication needed firsthand: the Master in Finance not only pushed her limits, but it also allowed her to grow professionally and personally in ways she couldn’t think were possible. IE University “helped me become a better version of myself, for which I will be forever grateful.”

Ann-sofie Gilberte M. Verresen - Alumni Story | IE Business
Ann-sofie Gilberte M. Verresen - Alumni Story | IE Business
Ann-sofie Gilberte M. Verresen - Alumni Story | IE Business