Anoushka Drexhage

About me

Anoushka is a commercial and entrepreneurial expert with years of experience in the global travel and tourism sector.

shapeAnoushka Drexhage
case2Executive coach

Anoushka is a commercial and entrepreneurial expert with years of experience in the global travel and tourism sector.

Anoushka Drexhage

Anoushka has worked in technology, business travel, partnerships, loyalty programs and e-commerce.

She is a certified executive coach helping executives, teams and start-ups to understand how to act upon their priorities and challenges in an international environment.

Driven by results, Anoushka is an expert in leading sales and marketing strategy, developing new business, changing management and optimizing operational profitability. She is highly experienced in the world of entrepreneurship thanks to her experience with Advision Consulting, a sales and marketing consultancy firm for SME’s in the UK.