Brijesh Mirchandani- Student Story Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media | IE University

Brijesh Mirchandani

About me

My name is Brijesh Mirchandani. I’m from India, but I was born and raised in Kuwait. I am a second-year Communication & Digital Media student at IE University on the Segovia campus and will be moving to Madrid next year!

shapeBrijesh Mirchandani
case2Undergraduate student
studentBachelor in Communication and Digital Media

"Even though I don’t know what my future is, IE University is helping me build that future, so that I become comfortable and passionate about my work."

Brijesh Mirchandani

Brijesh chose his degree because of his innate creativity, but also because of a grounding in reality. He has always wanted to study something based on projects and teamwork, seeking skills which will translate into the real world and real jobs.

But he wanted to keep his options open, rather than focusing on one particular area or direction early on, so he was very attracted to the variety offered by his particular degree. He says the four-year program offers him a huge number of options and roles, which will help him decide what he really wants in future.

Brijesh was extremely sporty before he started studying full-time. He swam, played badminton, volleyball and bowling. He even represented the Kuwaiti national baseball team in a tournament against fellow Middle Eastern nations, but eventually had to scale back on playing in order to focus on his education.

That doesn’t mean, though, that he’s not involved in any of the countless extracurricular activities offered at IE University. He has joined debate and theater clubs, and is actively involved in mentoring first-year students, helping them settle into their new lives in the IE community.

Like many other students, Brijesh cites diversity as one of the best things about IE University, and another factor in his decision to study here. In addition to his classroom education, he’s learning from his international peers about different cultures and mindsets. He says this is super interesting, as well as the knowledge he is picking up from a diverse, professional faculty. He often talks to them about their own educational backgrounds, their careers and their activities outside of IE University.

Brijesh describes the connections made with students, and professional connections with faculty, as extremely enriching, pointing out that these relationships go on well after many alumni have left IE University. The community stays in touch through email or social media, continuing their mutual support beyond the time frame of their programs.

He adores Segovia, and enjoys exploring, photographing and writing about its particular beauty, its monuments and the surrounding hills. Looking to the future, while it may seem already mapped out for him with the family business back in Kuwait, he definitely wants to see a wider picture. He’s keen to complete an internship away from that environment, to equip him with the skills to interact with his peers and integrate into the family business when the time comes.

For now, though, he’s very happy to “go with the flow.” Brijesh firmly believes that the future is unknown and can be changed, another reason he engages with the visual storytelling of his program so naturally. “There is no script,” he says. IE University is helping him build a future in which he’s comfortable and passionate about his work, but who knows exactly where his journey may take him?