Caio Emanuel Marques

About me

My passion for two different subject areas led to what could have been a very difficult decision for my future. After graduating high school, I was torn between studying business administration or international relations, but then I discovered IE University’s dual degree program and the decision was made for me. I knew that I had found a place where I would fit in and be able to pursue both of my passions. IE University has allowed me to interact with people from across the globe and this has opened my mind in ways I never thought were possible. The campus in Segovia gives the feel of walking through history when you walk down the halls, and the city itself is splendid. My professors are supportive and utilize a personalized approach in their teaching. I’ve met lifelong friends through the clubs and opportunities offered at IE, and I know that I have a world of possibilities for my future.

shapeCaio Emanuel Marques
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Business Administration and International Relations

"Living in an international environment all the time made me change my perspective in so many ways, and I think everyone should be given this opportunity."

Caio Emanuel Marques

Caio was initially terrified to fly across the world to attend IE University. He soon realized, however, that the university would be there for him every step of the way upon his arrival. Caio felt supported by the IE community and found his group of friends pretty quickly. The variety of cultural backgrounds helped him be more aware of cultural differences and he noticed this in class discussions and debates. He believes his new cultural outlook will allow him to be successful in his future career when it comes to tackling international issues. 

The resources offered to Caio at IE University have created a learning environment that caters to his personal and professional growth. Caio can always count on his professors to help clear doubts or answer questions, whether it be face to face or through emails. The stunning campus in Segovia has cozy study areas that make him feel at home and top-notch facilities that foster creativity. He and his friends have also spent countless afternoons having meaningful conversations in the mountains or at the park, truly experiencing the culture of the city. Their time hanging out in Segovia pushed them to branch out and travel to Berlin to attend a music festival—an experience that will not be forgotten.

Caio Emanuel Marques - Student Story Dual Degree in Business Administration and International Relations| IE University
Caio Emanuel Marques - Student Story Dual Degree in Business Administration and International Relations| IE University
Caio Emanuel Marques - Student Story Dual Degree in Business Administration and International Relations| IE University

Although Caio has always had a passion for business administration, the possibility to join clubs and do an internship at IE University gave him the opportunity to further pursue it. In his third year, Caio secured an internship in the marketing department at IE University’s School of Human Sciences and Technology. His hands-on office experience allowed him to lead projects and establish a set of soft skills that would later help him in a club competition. Caio and a group of nine other IE University students participated in Fundación Vodafone Youth 4 Good, a competition amongst Spanish universities where students put forth ideas for global change. Caio’s group presented ideas and solutions for supermarkets to minimize the use of plastic, and their project finished in the top ten! IE University has allowed Caio to thrive and grow in both his passions, while also preparing him to become an international future leader.

Caio Emanuel Marques - Student Story Dual Degree in Business Administration and International Relations| IE University