Carolina Villanueva Suárez- Student Story Dual Degree in Laws and International Relations | IE University

Carolina Villanueva Suárez

About me

I’m originally from Asturias, but when I was two, my family decided to start traveling around the world. Apart from Spain, the last place I lived in was New York, where I completed my last two years of high school. I’m currently studying the Dual Degree LL.B. in Laws and International Relations at IE University. I couldn’t be happier about my decision to pursue a career that fuses my two passions: international relations and law. When I’m not studying, you can find me taking part in athletic competitions or training with my horses.

shapeCarolina Villanueva Suárez
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Laws and International Relations

"Besides the invaluable academic support, IE University has been completely supportive of my athletic dreams and aspiration to represent Spain in the Olympic Games."

Carolina Villanueva Suárez

Balancing a passion for law, international relations and sport

Despite being Spanish, Carolina Villanueva Suarez never imagined she’d return to her native country to live as an adult. But when she got the opportunity to represent Spain as an equestrian show jumper, she left the United States and came back home. As Carolina says, life changes in flashing moments and everything always works out as it’s meant to!

Carolina’s introduction to IE University was during the IE Immersion Week when she was a high school senior. Aside from that experience, which she says made her “fall in love” with the university, she decided to apply because of its prestige and its international background.

And so far, Carolina hasn’t been disappointed with her decision. Every day, she leaves the campus feeling enriched and filled with knowledge. She’s noticed that the university is passionate about every subject that it offers, and very supportive of each and every student. And for Carolina, this sentiment shines through both in conversations with professors and with classmates. Not only is she grateful for the academic guidance that she receives, but she also feels highly supported as an elite athlete who is able to live out their childhood dream.

Outside of school, Carolina lives a highly busy life filled with sport and extracurricular activities. Her daily routine usually consists of waking up early and training with her horses for five hours. After that, she studies at university or attends Mandarin classes, which often keeps her busy until 9 p.m.!

After her time at IE University, Carolina is keen to continue merging her passion for law and athletics. Professionally, she wants to excel in the legal field with a particular focus on tort law. And above all, she aims to reach the top of her sport and represent Spain in the Olympic Games. Watch this space!