Celestine Díaz - student story- testimonials | IE University

Celestine Diaz

About me

My name is Célestine Diaz, I am half French and half Spanish. Throughout my life, I lived in Italy, France, and the US. Having grown up in an international environment I knew IE University was the perfect fit to enhance my experience and continue discovering new cultures. I am currently in my 3rd year of business and administration and going to exchange to Japan next semester! Since I’ve started IE University, I’ve learned and grown so much already and couldn’t be happier with my decision! I look forward to continuing my journey with all the diversity, community, and education IE University offers.

shapeCelestine Diaz
case2Undergraduate student
studentBachelor in Business Administration
Celestine Díaz - student story- testimonials | IE University

"Studying at IE University is an entire experience in itself! Everyone shares their own experiences and thoughts, which makes the classes even more captivating."

Celestine Diaz

Finding the value in everyone

Celestine decided to study a Bachelor in Business Administration at IE University for many different reasons, but specifically due to the university’s international aspect and unmatched diversity. As she enters her third year, she is confident that she made the right choice and couldn’t be happier with her new, incredible friends from around the world. 

At IE University, Celestine has been particularly captivated by the fact that everyone brings unique thoughts and experiences to the classroom. She feels like she’s traveled the world simply by listening to her classmates tell their stories. Spending the first two years in the charming city of Segovia allowed her cohort to become family away from home, especially due to the active campus life IE University provides. She’s met people from inside and outside her program and loves the variety. 

With various clubs, internships and activities on offer, Celetine appreciates the ability to design her own path. To that end, she has been part of the social media team for The Stork, participated in the Econ DataLab to boost her coding knowledge, and continues to find other ways to be a part of university life outside of the classroom.

As for the program itself, Celestine’s favorite subject so far has been the Building Powerful Relationships course. She enjoyed getting to know her classmates and learning how to confidently deliver a speech. Celestine believes that communication is key to everything, and her newly learned ability to adapt herself to any situation will have long-lasting benefits. Celestine also spoke highly of IE University’s quick reaction to the global pandemic. She feels incredibly lucky to be part of one of the few universities with an open campus during 2021.

Looking toward the future, Celetine hasn’t made a concrete decision about where she sees herself just yet. She does, however, know that she’d like to work in a role that requires her to interact with people daily, especially as creating relationships is something she values highly and something that motivates her. She’s thinking about starting her professional career off as a consultant—she’s in the process of applying now!

Celestine believes that everyone has something valuable to bring to the table. To her, the chance to discover other people’s cultural richness is simply magic. We wish Celestine the best of luck in all her future endeavors.