Cristóbal Corredor

About me

Cristóbal is a visionary telecom executive and entrepreneur with more than 20 years of international experience. He successfully combines a proven track record of extreme sales and a strong background in service providers strategy.

shapeCristóbal Corredor
case2Product marketing manager, Telefónica

Cristóbal is a visionary telecom executive and entrepreneur with more than 20 years of international experience. He successfully combines a proven track record of extreme sales and a strong background in service providers strategy.

Cristóbal Corredor

Cristóbal has extensive experience in solution-selling, executing successful sales strategies for multinational accounts and cultivating partnerships and alliances across new channels.

He has more than 10 years of experience working with the Telefónica Group, developing market alliances and launching cloud-based services.

Additionally, Cristóbal is well versed in planning and developing new  value added services for telecommunication operators. Passionate about education, he has been mentoring MBA alumni for over 15 years.

Cristóbal thrives in multicultural environments, and has outstanding communication skills. He is fluent in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.