A man in a tailored suit smiling against a gray background.

David Boakye

About me

I was born in Ghana, but grew up in South Africa. After becoming an attorney there, I joined the Investec capital markets division as a legal advisor—due to my passion for banking and finance—before becoming an investment banking consultant. Motivated by an interest in entrepreneurship, I hope to one day start my own consulting business. On a personal note, I enjoy leading a balanced lifestyle, which includes discovering new places through travel, playing sports and following Formula One.

shapeDavid Boakye
case2Investment Banking Consultant at Investec
mapPointSouth Africa
studentMaster in Finance
A close-up view of a printed page displaying various business metrics and data charts.

"IE Business School is well-renowned for a reason. The caliber of students and professors is really outstanding. This is definitely one of the most rewarding and life-changing decisions that I’ve made. I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for me now."

David Boakye

Versatility and diligence pave the way

David’s ability to easily transition from law to finance is indicative of his character—with a strong work ethic and an innate desire to learn, he is constantly seeking new experiences. As David began his career in Johannesburg, South Africa, he quickly found a way to align his passion for finance with his law degree as a legal advisor in Investec’s capital markets division. Within two years, he became an investment banking consultant within the equity sales and structuring team.

Highly motivated to further his career, David chose to enroll in the Master in Finance at IE Business School. Not only did the program align with his professional and entrepreneurial aspirations, but it also offered a unique blend of theoretical and hands-on learning. David was particularly interested in modules from fintech to behavioral finance, as well as the chance to participate in a microfinance consulting project in Ghana. Another thing that stood out to David was the innovative learning methodology, which allowed him to complete his degree online while still getting the benefits of the classroom.

“I am definitely better equipped to succeed in today’s competitive working environment. The Master in Finance is challenging, but well worth the investment. I am now adept in skills I didn’t have before and very excited to see what the future holds.”

David praises the program for giving him a “truly global view” of financial markets, and helping him stay ahead of the curve in today’s competitive working environment. He especially appreciated the various networking opportunities, assortment of clubs and the support of the IE Talent & Careers team in helping students achieve their professional goals.

Highlighting the role of faculty during his time in the program, David feels fortunate to have learned from some of the “best professors in the world.” He also credits being able to interact with such a diverse, international cohort for broadening his perspective and understanding how different countries work in a professional setting.

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, David says he was constantly engaged with classmates and working on group projects through Zoom and WhatsApp. Even though he couldn’t attend the face-to-face periods of the program, David describes his social opportunities as deeply meaningful, leading to lifelong friendships.

What’s more, David already feels that the course has impacted his work. By learning on his own time, he could immediately apply the tools and knowledge he gained to the workplace—particularly in regard to leadership and management and out-of-the-box thinking.

Citing the program as “one of the best decisions one could make,” David encourages prospective students to face the challenge head on in order to reach their full potential. All of the hard work was well worth it, both personally and professionally, he says.

One of David’s long-term goals is to start his own consulting business that focuses on microfinance, sustainable finance, fintech and private equity. He’s passionate about using what he’s learned to help Africa achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

When he’s not on a mission to change his home continent, David likes to travel, play sports and listen to the roaring engines of Formula One race cars.