Portrait of a smiling woman wearing a black hijab against a gray background.

Ghaydaa Alferayan

About me

I am Ghaydaa, an architect based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My professional journey is rooted in the hospitality sector, focusing on the development of luxury hotels and branded residences. I am actively involved in the development of Diriyah, one of Saudi Arabia’s largest giga-projects, where I engage in the development management of several hospitality assets. For me, the project serves as a platform to innovate within the hospitality development sector and to actively participate in shaping the future landscape of the Saudi economy.

shapeGhaydaa Alferayan
case2Master’s student
mapPointSaudi Arabia
studentMaster in Real Estate Development
Looking up at the sky framed by towering skyscrapers with distinctive architectural designs.

“The Master in Real Estate Development at IE University will profoundly enhance my strategic decision-making abilities and expand my professional network.”

Ghaydaa Alferayan

Networking for success

Ghaydaa Alferayan is an architect with a clear purpose: she wants to use her skills to help develop the economy of her home country, Saudi Arabia. Her objectives are inspired by the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 blueprint, an ambitious framework launched in 2016 that aims to reduce the country’s dependency on oil through diversification of the economy. It focuses on developing public service sectors and includes an emphasis on culture, social reform and increased investment in the environment.

For Ghaydaa, contributing to sustainability is a core part of her purpose and a key element of what led her to IE University to study the Master in Real Estate Development. The program is helping her gain exactly the skills she’s looking for: expertise in luxury hospitality development with a focus on sustainable development. In her own words, she says, “This degree will provide me with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to lead innovative projects that meet the economic diversification goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.”

In addition to the comprehensive curriculum offered at IE University, Ghaydaa was drawn by the diverse student body and faculty. “IE University will profoundly enhance my strategic decision-making abilities and expand my professional network,” she explains.

Ghaydaa currently works as a Hospitality Development Specialist at Diriyah Company. She oversees several developments within the company’s masterplan: transforming a 14km² area in and around the city of Diriyah into a premium destination. The masterplan, which has a budget of more than €50 billion, will develop an entire infrastructure that includes hotels, housing, retail and cultural spaces, and more. Ghaydaa is working on various high-end hotel and residential projects. “My responsibilities encompass project management, stakeholder engagement and ensuring our developments meet the highest standards of luxury and functionality.”

For Ghaydaa, being involved in the masterplan is proving to be transformative. “This project not only allows me to apply my skills, but also plays a crucial role in my professional growth.” As she sees it, the skills that she is learning in the Master in Real Estate Development will be a crucial factor in allowing her to achieve her goals. “It will equip me with advanced tools and methodologies for managing complex real estate projects and will enable me to contribute to the development of the luxury hospitality industry in Saudi Arabia and beyond.”

“I am committed to integrating the advanced real estate development strategies and sustainability practices acquired from my master’s program.”

Balancing her academic commitments with her professional responsibilities in such a high-profile project could present challenges. Fortunately, the part-time version of the Master in Real Estate Development is allowing her to fulfill both dreams at the same time, while applying her learning from the program directly to her work. “In pursuit of enhancing our development projects at Diriyah, I am committed to integrating the advanced real estate development strategies and sustainability practices acquired from my master’s program.”

It’s clear that Ghaydaa is already making great strides toward her professional goals. As she integrates her new skills and perspectives into her work, she’s poised to make an impact—not only in the world of real estate but also in the future of the hospitality sector in her country.