Guillermo de Haro

About me

Guillermo is a researcher, mentor and an associate professor of digital strategy at IE Business School.

shapeGuillermo de Haro
case2Founder of

Guillermo is a researcher, mentor and an associate professor of digital strategy at IE Business School.

Guillermo de Haro

Guillermo is a professor of economics at URJC and a guest lecturer at other international educational institutions. He worked at Technicolor Entertainment Services as a strategic development manager, and Workcenter SGD as the director of operations.

Guillermo is the creator of and is the associate director of economy and business at JotDown.

Guillermo forms part of the European Doctor in Business Organization at UPV/EHU. He has an MBA from IE Business School, and a degree in telecommunications from ESI Bilbao. Guillermo participates in IE Business School’s management of audiovisual business program. He was also recognized for his achievements in digital analytics by the University of British Colombia, and participated in Stanford University’s Certificate Program in strategic decision and risk management.

He collaborates with a number of press outlets, has written a book titled Corleone Business School and produces documentaries and educational video games.