José María Barranco

About me

José is the COO and clinical development director at Insulcloud SL.

shapeJosé María Barranco
case2Director at Insulclock S.L.

José is the COO and clinical development director at Insulcloud SL.

José María Barranco

José María received his MBA in 2005 from IE Business School. He is also a pharmaceutical doctor and an optometrist with more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

He is experienced in sales, marketing and market access.

For five years, he has been NovoNordisk’s commercial director and European commercial steering committee member, launching products like Victoza, Novo thirteen and Novo eight.

José María has held different positions at Sanofi for 17 years including regional business manager, country sales manager and antibiotics marketing director. He has also launched successful products like Tavanic, Lantus and Apidra.