Juan Carlos Higueras

About me

Juan Carlos Higueras has a broad and multidisciplinary academic background. He has bachelor's and master's in telecommunication from UPM as well as a bachelor's and master's in economics and business from UCM.

shapeJuan Carlos Higueras
case2Partner at Ozono Capital Partners; Postgraduate Professor in Strategy, Finance and Business

Juan Carlos Higueras has a broad and multidisciplinary academic background. He has bachelor's and master's in telecommunication from UPM as well as a bachelor's and master's in economics and business from UCM.

Juan Carlos Higueras

Juan Carlos has over 25 years of professional experience as a consultant in large companies such as Telefónica, Arthur Andersen and other management consulting firms involved in the telecom industry and strategy advising.

He launched a training and consultation company, and owned a dental franchise unit.

Currently, Juan Carlos is running Ozono Capital Partners. He is also devoted to mentoring start-up teams and franchise companies by designing business models and plans, valuation services, pitch coaching and roadshow for fundraising.

His main areas of interest include start-ups business models, strategic thinking, creation of business plans, business valuations for fundraising and investing in edge start-ups as a business angel.