Juan Carlos Juárez Zarruk - Student Story | IE University

Juan Carlos Juárez Zarruk

About me

I’m Juan Carlos Juárez Zarruk and I’m a third-year Bachelor in Data & Business Analytics student at IE University. I’m deeply passionate about leveraging the power of machine learning, data analytics and artificial intelligence to uncover hidden patterns and insights in data. My interest in all things data started with an online store I created in high school called Underground Clothing. The data was there, but I didn’t know how to use it—but now, thanks to the program, I do.

shapeJuan Carlos Juárez Zarruk
case2Undergraduate student
studentBachelor in Data and Business Analytics
Juan Carlos Juárez Zarruk - Student Story | IE University

“You may be the best data scientist in the world, but if you’re not able to communicate your findings effectively and build a story out of the data, you have nothing.”

Juan Carlos Juárez Zarruk

A deep dive into data

Like many high school students, Juan Carlos Juaréz Zarruk wasn’t sure of the path he wanted to take for his future. But during his first year, and after opening an online store called Underground Clothing, he quickly realized that he wanted to study a program that took a closer look at data. His interest was piqued when he wanted to make sense of all the data available to him to improve his business but didn’t know how. So, when researching undergraduate programs, he discovered the Bachelor in Data & Business Analytics and found it was the perfect fit. Not only did it offer an in-depth knowledge in data science and analysis, it also offered the international environment he was looking for.

Currently in his third year, Juan Carlos is branching out to new challenges and experiences. With the help from the IE Talent & Careers team, he secured an internship at Neovantas Consulting as a data science intern in the newly formed advanced analytics department. It’s a role that, thanks to the learning experience at IE University, Juan Carlos walked into feeling confident in his skill set. He’s spent a lot of time working on group projects during his classes, which teaches students to work toward a common goal—in this case, a good grade. However, all of the skills learned from working in teams during the program have proven to be useful in his day-to-day, especially as projects are developed in groups.

Juan Carlos is also thankful for the leadership skills he developed during this group work. He learned how to make the most of each team member’s individual strengths, making the work more impactful as a whole. Specifically, he found that the IE Impact path was the main accelerator for enhancing his skills. From classes on entrepreneurship to initiatives like the IE Challenge, Juan Carlos got a lot of practice working on multidisciplinary teams with people from other programs and backgrounds—which he found reflective of the real world. 

“I chose IE University because, out of all the universities I found in Europe offering similar programs, this one was the only one that provides in-depth knowledge in data science and analysis.”

In regard to being a competitive candidate for roles, Juan Carlos explains that IE University has ensured he stands out from the rest. He’s gained experience in collaborating effectively with diverse teams, a crucial skill in today’s globalized and interconnected professional landscape. What’s more, his exposure to a diverse network of people with varying perspectives has broadened his horizons and enhanced his ability to collaborate and thrive in a variety of settings.

In today’s digital world, data is everywhere—so, for Juan Carlos, part of becoming a successful data scientist, gaining firsthand insights and the ability to make sense of data, is unlocking an analytical and critical mindset. It’s also important to have solid communication skills, which circles back to why Juan Carlos is so thankful for the case study approach that IE University takes to learning. According to Juan Carlos, “You may be the best data scientist in the world, but if you’re not able to communicate your findings efficiently and build a story out of the data, you have nothing.”

Taking advantage of every opportunity on offer is the best advice Juan Carlos can offer for students looking to pursue an internship. For example, opportunities such as the Young Corporate program are an excellent way to get in touch with companies visiting IE University. In fact, this program is how Juan Carlos landed his internship with Neovantas. He also recommends that students keep an eye out for the newsletters and emails from IE Talent & Careers.

And for students interested in studying at IE University, Juan Carlos would tell them not to think twice, especially if they’re looking for an international environment. Plus, something that differentiates IE University from other institutions is their hands-on methodology—for Juan Carlos, classes are more than just lectures and grades; they are experiences.