Julio Carazo

About me

Julio provides consultation services in the areas of business creation and management, and project management (with a special focus on organizational and business projects).

shapeJulio Carazo
case2International Business & Project Management Consultant; Associate Professor, IE Business School; Mentor, IE Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center

Julio provides consultation services in the areas of business creation and management, and project management (with a special focus on organizational and business projects).

Julio Carazo

Julio is a strong believer in the spirit of enterprise, and has supported more than 50 start-up teams in the last few years alone.

Julio is a former PMI Chapter president, and an international speaker. He holds a PMP, MBA and a master’s in telecom engineering as well as a master’s in project management.

As a social entrepreneur, Julio was involved in the creation of the Solired Foundation, now known as the Hazloposible Foundation, where he is a board member. Hazloposible provides corporate social responsibility services to 50% of the IBEX35 index corporations.

He currently works for international organizations in a variety of sectors, participates in real estate investment and supports several non-profit organizations.