Lucía Asúnsolo - Student Story | IE University

Lucía Asúnsolo

About me

My name is Lucía Asúnsolo, and I am a 20-year-old student from Madrid. I am currently in my third year of studying the Dual Degree in Business Administration & International Relations at IE University. I chose this degree because I am very interested in international affairs, politics, history, culture and languages. I felt that adding another degree to my education would be helpful and would open up more opportunities for me. I also believe that studying economics, statistics, marketing and management will be incredibly beneficial in this field.

shapeLucía Asúnsolo
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Business Administration + International Relations
Lucía Asúnsolo - Student Story | IE University

"IE University encourages students to explore global issues and think critically about complex topics."

Lucía Asúnsolo

Inside the world of Model United Nations

Lucía Asúnsolo had always been passionate about international affairs and debating. Little did she know that joining the IEU Debate Club would lead to a life-changing experience, with her participation at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Model United Nations (URJCMUN) debate.

When asked how she found out about the Debate Club, Lucía explained that her friends who participated in 2021 gave her excellent feedback on their experience. They convinced her to sign up for the IEMUN 2022, and when she found out that the club was offering debate training, she decided to join. With it being her first time participating in something like this, she felt that the training would be very helpful.

Lucía's experience with the URJCMUN Debate was incredible, and she highlighted three key points. Firstly, she was surprised by the number of international delegations participating, and the level of involvement from everyone. Secondly, she saw a passion for learning from participants over competing against them, and everyone was extremely supportive and congratulated each other on their work. Lastly, she always felt validated for her work, which was incredibly important.

Lucía also spoke about the invaluable support she received from IE University throughout her experience. IE University's resources, including IEU Debate Club, provided her with the necessary skills and training to prepare her for the competition. For instance, preparing her for different situations in negotiation and public speaking. The club's members and trainers were incredibly helpful, sharing their experience and knowledge to ensure that everyone was well-prepared for the event. Furthermore, the IEMUN was an excellently planned conference that brought together people from across the world who have a passion for debate. Thanks to this conference, she learned how debates work and what to do, and will be ready for any other conference she signs up for.

Lucía Asúnsolo - Student Story | IE UniversityIE University's commitment to providing a comprehensive education that goes beyond the classroom is evident in its support for extracurricular activities such as the Debate Club. Lucía's experience is a testament to IE University's dedication to fostering a vibrant and diverse community of students encouraged to explore their interests and passions.

Finally, Lucía gave some advice and recommendations to future IE University students interested in participating in this event. She emphasized that the Debate Club is an amazing choice, whether they enjoy debating and have participated in conferences like this one, are new to this but eager to learn about it, or simply want to gain new useful skills without attending the conferences. They will meet incredible people from different years and degrees who share their passions, making lasting friendships—the best part of the club.

Lucía's experience with the IEU Debate Club and the URJCMUN debate exemplifies IE University's commitment to providing its students with a holistic education. IE University's support for extracurricular activities and events helps students develop essential skills and connections that are valuable in both their personal and professional lives.