Manuel Ruiz Aldereguia

About me

Manuel has over 30 years of experience, mainly in the field of information technology and communications (ICT) and has devoted the last 15 years to strategic and business consulting.

shapeManuel Ruiz Aldereguia
case2Partner & managing director, IT Alción

Manuel has over 30 years of experience, mainly in the field of information technology and communications (ICT) and has devoted the last 15 years to strategic and business consulting.

Manuel Ruiz Aldereguia

Manuel has a PhD in business administration and an executive MBA from IE Business School, where he now teaches in the Department of Operations and Technology.

He has a degree in physics and a high capacity for implementation, management and reorganization of companies and teams, with a clear focus on results and achieving objectives.

Manuel’s area of expertise includes defining and implementing strategies and business plans. He is also a highly successful entrepreneur, responsible for developing and launching a number of successful ventures.