María Paz Salas- Student Story Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media | IE University

María Paz Salas

About me

My name is María Paz Salas. I am originally from Costa Rica, but I’ve only lived there for four years. I went to elementary school in Washington DC, and completed my high school education in Madrid. I am currently a first-year Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media student in Segovia. In my free time I enjoy reading books, drawing, going for walks around Segovia, and going for a drink with friends.

shapeMaría Paz Salas
case2Undergraduate student
mapPointCosta Rica
studentBachelor in Communication and Digital Media
María Paz Salas- Student Story Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media | IE University

"I love IE University because I have met so many different people. I also enjoy the way the University teaches, because it is all very hands on."

María Paz Salas

Fashion or lifestyle publishing: How a first year student is chasing her dream job

Determined to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds, María Paz Salas was drawn to IE University by its unmatched diversity—alongside the high-tech approach used in the programs themselves. She hopes to work for a fashion or lifestyle publication, and chose the Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media because it ticked boxes for her professional and personal development.

Although she’s only in her first year, she continues to be very happy with her choice. She’s enjoying the hands-on, practical nature of her classes, stating that she has already learned to see and analyze what she sees in the media differently. On the other hand, she has also met so many different people. Both factors have contributed to an increase in her creativity.

The benefits of her immersion in the IE University ecosystem don’t stop there. María states that the practical teaching methodology and the widely available labs and seminars are ideal preparation for anyone seeking internships. The seminars offer valuable insights, and María says she has learned a lot about specific topics in the two she has attended so far. Meanwhile, on a personal level, she has been encouraged to be empathetic, tolerant and more open minded by the different cultures and points of view she has encountered.

María is enjoying the Segovia campus, happy that wherever she goes on the site, she sees people she knows. Despite many places having to close during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still some campus spaces that have remained open. María has been able to have a socially distanced drink with friends and eat lunch with her peers on campus, which she values highly.

With her future career ambitions in mind, María’s objective for this summer is to secure an internship at a communications agency or magazine. Further ahead, she is looking forward to the exchange held in the third year of the program, for which she would like to go somewhere in the United States. After graduation, she would like to get a couple of years’ work experience under her belt before starting a master’s in business, or better still, fashion business.

With her motto for life being “Don’t forget where you came from, but never lose sight of where you are going,” María is very much a future-forward student. We wish her well in both her personal and professional development.