Miguel Angel Tapia
Miguel is a telecommunication engineer. He holds an executive MBA from IESE and has a degree in commercial management from ICADE. He has been the CEO of Europavia since 2008.
Miguel is a telecommunication engineer. He holds an executive MBA from IESE and has a degree in commercial management from ICADE. He has been the CEO of Europavia since 2008.
Miguel began his professional career in 1982 as the commercial manager of Isofotón. In 1984, he joined Bressel, which is now part of the Maxam Group, as a project manager. In 1986, he joined INISEL where he was in charge of several defense and aeronautics programs.
He was appointed R+D Director in 1988 and was in charge of a number of programs in the frame of the European Commission and the E.S.A. In 1991, Inisel became Indra, and Miguel took over the company’s technology department.
Since 1994, he has been managing telecom and industrial markets in the business development of Eritel, a subsidiary of Indra. Â In 1996, Miguel became the marketing and sales manager of Indra SCA.
In 1999, he joined Isolux Wat as managing director of the control and systems business unit, active in the energy, transport and environmental markets.
He has represented Spain on several committees in the European Aeronautics, Space and Defense Association and is currently member of the board of directors of TEDAE.