Natalia Riera- Student Story Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media | IE University

Natalia Riera

About me

For me, the most important skills to bring to your work are: organization, communication, and networking. This is what I have learned during my time working in the digital marketing department at Nike’s European headquarters. Thanks to the IE Career Portal, I was able to apply for the job at Nike where I now apply my creative skills to positively impact the company. IE University encourages all its students to foster an entrepreneurial mindset from day one and this has definitely helped me to achieve professional success. At IE University, I learned how to apply this spirit to drive change and ambition. I am keeping my options for the future open, and I have IE University to thank, for preparing me to be able to conquer any career path I choose, be it managerial or entrepreneurial.

shapeNatalia Riera
case2Undergraduate student
mapPointPuerto Rico
studentBachelor in Business Administration
Natalia Riera- Student Story Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media | IE University

"I think the key is learning to understand your team and adapt to them and how they work. You’ll have the best outcome if you bring together all your differences and make the best of it."

Natalia Riera

Natalia Riera has taken everything in her stride and has truly shown remarkable professional success. Working in a large, multinational organization, such as Nike, has offered her the perfect opportunity to apply all that she has learned during her studies at IE University, and to grow into a highly successful professional. Her open-mindedness, cultural awareness, and entrepreneurial spirit have been her winning formula for success and they will continue to carry her towards further career prosperity. Natalia is a prime example of how the IE Career Portal can lead students to finding unsurpassable career opportunities, and she has highlighted the importance of networking and communication skills for continued career progression.