Rafael Martinez

About me

Rafael is an expert in the field of business strategy.

shapeRafael Martinez
case2Associate professor of business strategy, IE Business School

Rafael is an expert in the field of business strategy.

Rafael Martinez

Rafael heads the corporate strategy office of a large multinational company, is an associate professor of business strategy at IE Business School and is the author of El Manual del Estratega, which won him a Knowsquare award for the best management book published in Spain.

He is trained as a senior engineer in telecommunications at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Rafael also holds an executive MBA from IE Business School and a diploma from the general management program at IESE.

He leads the “Growth Potential Index” initiative at Cre100do for accelerating growth of select Spanish SMEs.

Rafael is also a member of the board at Friends of the Information Society Club, is a personal and executive coach and a well-known blogger.