Sara Pedraza- Student Story Dual Degree in Business Administration and Laws | IE University

Sara Pedraza

About me

My name is Sara Pedraza. I was born in Madrid, Spain, and have lived there for my whole life, apart from my entire sophomore year of high school, which I spent studying in the United States. I enjoy being as active as possible and love going to the gym and dancing, but I also love listening to music and taking time to disconnect.

shapeSara Pedraza
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Business Administration and Laws

"I am in love with IE University. I really enjoy going to class and everyone is so nice. I think the way of teaching is very effective, and a lot different to what I was used to."

Sara Pedraza

A perfect fit from the very beginning

Sara makes no secret of the main reason she chose IE University: its diversity. Her previous insight into the IE Community from high school prompted her to do a bit more research, and the rest is history! She and her university friends all agree that learning and working with people from different cultures is truly incredible.

Her interest in all areas of business was behind her choice of the Dual Degree in Business Administration and Laws. Sara believes the legal element of the degree has made her a more culturally aware person, and she’s loving the experience so far. She really enjoys the classes, and is finding the teaching methodology, although so different to the traditional styles she was used to, particularly effective.

She has absolutely no regrets about her choice to study the dual degree program, asserting that it has exceeded her expectations. Even though she was initially more interested in business, Sara finds that she is enjoying the program as a whole and wouldn’t change her decision.

As for campus life, the current situation has meant she hasn’t been able to get involved as much as she’d like. Sara intends to join the volleyball team when she can, as it’s a sport she’s played for six years. She has already joined the Startup Lab, being a firm believer in the value of learning by practice, not just theory. Sara describes the Lab as an incredible opportunity.

Even with the current safety restrictions, it’s the extra-curricular activities that Sara points out as a particular highlight from her time at IE University. She finds that there is always something interesting to do, and always something for everyone. Sara believes that having options that interest you can build self-confidence and help narrow your professional focus into specific fields of interest. These activities suit her active lifestyle and her professional goals.

Looking to the future, Sara is honest about not knowing exactly what she wants to do yet. One thing she is sure of, however, is her desire to spend a few years living and working abroad. Despite always considering herself a businessperson, she’s been surprised by how much she’s enjoying the legal side, which has made her future career less certain than it might have been.

Before she gets to that point, though, Sara is certain of one thing. In her third or fourth year of the program, she’d like to spend at least a semester, or even another year, in the United States as an intern. When asked to summarize her attitude toward life, she cites Aristotle’s view that, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” We wish her well in all her endeavors.