Sofía María Idoate Doménech

About me

Originally from Pamplona, Spain, I completed my architectural degree in Navarra before beginning an international career. I now run my own business, Sofia Idoate Studio, where I combine architecture, interior design and artistic projects. I'm passionate about creating responsible architecture using local resources and ancient wisdom. Lately, I've been exploring regenerative design, which is all about positively impacting the environment. In my work, I want to blend traditional ecological knowledge with modern regenerative design, involving local communities to create solutions that meet society's needs and celebrate their culture.

shapeSofía María Idoate Doménech
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in Business for Architecture and Design
Sofía María Idoate Doménech

“I believe that architects and designers can bring a well-rounded perspective to creative industries.”

Sofía María Idoate Doménech

Gaining practical skills for an international design career

Sofía María Idoate Doménech is a truly global citizen, having honed her expertise in architecture and design across several countries. She now runs her own design studio based in Mexico City, but she has also had work stints in Spain and the US. She credits her five-year tenure as an architectural designer and project manager at Meyer Davis in New York City, which included significant projects such as the Crown Hotel in Sydney and Dream Hotel Group condominiums in Atlanta, with giving her essential experience in the field of architecture.

After her move from New York City to Cabo San Lucas in 2020, Sofía ventured into a design direction role for a hospitality resort renovation. Leveraging this experience, she established her international consultancy business, specializing in hospitality and residential projects across Mexico, New York City and Spain. She is currently involved in the interior design and development of several projects in Mexico, Spain and Belize.

Through the experience of running her own business, Sofía discovered an affinity toward entrepreneurship. She especially enjoys nurturing client relationships, pitching ideas, public relations and, of course, the autonomy and flexibility afforded by being her own boss. Motivated to augment her skills and scale her business sustainably, she decided to enroll in the Master in Business for Architecture and Design at IE University. Prior to starting the program, she decided to participate in the Entrepreneurial Challenge 2023. After winning second place and securing an IE Women Scholarship, she was well on her way to success in the program.

Sofía has been impressed so far with the practical nature of the program. “It is incredible how rapidly I can see the lessons learned being applied to my day-to-day activities.” She is already using the ideas learned in her Value Creation through Design class and key terms from Marketing Management. She has gained a better understanding of calculation charts from the Financial Planning course, while Economic Environment has helped her get a handle on economic jargon. Techniques learned in the face-to-face sessions of Negotiation and Decision Making are helping her when she is dealing with a new contract, and the latest AI technologies learned through Design Intelligence and Technology Management, among others, are also proving invaluable.

“It is incredible how rapidly I can see the lessons learned being applied to my day-to-day activities.”

In terms of hands-on learning, Sofía appreciates IE University’s Venture Lab, which provides a practical testing environment, coupled with expert feedback, to help her refine her ideas. The immersive site visits to inspiring firms give crucial real-world insights and networking opportunities, and group project work has given her plenty of chances to refine her skills while at the same time fostering creative thinking, strategy, leadership and organization.

Another way that the Master in Business for Architecture and Design is enhancing her professional development is through the diverse student cohort, comprising architects and designers from varied backgrounds. In fact, Sofía has enjoyed building a network among her peers so much that she decided to serve as a class representative. She also commends the team of outstanding practicing professionals that make up the faculty. “Our network has been enriched with professors and lecturers I highly look up to and with whom I can envision future collaborations or mentorships.”

What stands out in Sofía's journey is the seamless integration of business acumen with her creative prowess. Through IE University’s emphasis on hands-on learning, diverse perspectives and collaborative projects, she has been able to refine not only her technical skills but also her strategic thinking, leadership and organizational capabilities.

Sofía perceives architects and designers as integral to creative industries, offering a holistic perspective, visualization abilities, communication skills and adeptness in managing complex processes. By combining a strong business foundation with the ability to visualize creative ideas and transform them into impactful designs, she has developed a well-rounded professional profile, poised for success in the competitive world of architecture and design.