Tomás Lucero

Tomás Lucero

About me

I’m from Argentina, where I spent part of my childhood, but have lived most of my life in Brazil. I love keeping up with global affairs, so IE University’s Dual Degree in Business Administration & International Relations felt like the perfect fit for me. I’m currently in my penultimate year of the program. When I’m not in class, I prefer to stay active with sports or participate in various extracurricular activities around the university.

shapeTomás Lucero
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Business Administration & International Relations
Tomás Lucero

“It seems like a long journey - and it is - but make sure you enjoy every step of it.”

Tomás Lucero

Understanding business and geopolitics for a future-proof skill set

Tomás Lucero is a dynamic go-getter, full of boundless energy and resolve. Perhaps it’s because his life so far has been quite cosmopolitan—growing up in Argentina and Brazil—and required a certain level of independence and resilience to adapt. Or maybe it’s due to the fact that he’s always known what he wanted and, thus, has dedicated himself to accomplishing his personal and professional goals.

Either way, Tomás has set himself apart as an enthusiastic, visionary individual with his mind firmly on the future. When he decided to pursue higher learning, he searched for an institution that would offer the same international feel and diversity of experience that he was used to. However, by discovering IE University, he found so much more.

You see, Tomás has always been passionate about geopolitics, multinationals and international trade. So as soon as he spotted the Dual Degree in Business Administration & International Relations, he knew he had to sign up. “I thought that the combination of both was a perfect balance,” he explains.

After four years in the program, with only one left to go, Tomás is sure he made the right choice. “Each professor is bright and unique, each subject is different and exciting, and each class is eye-opening and fun,” he admits. On the business administration side, his favorite classes have to be those revolving around strategy and accounting. They tap into his love for planning, organization and helping teams meet their goals.

Tomás Lucero

On the other hand, he also enjoys subjects covering geopolitics and global conflict. As he explains, politics, business and global affairs are more intertwined than we’d like to believe, and they’ll only become more so as the world grows more globalized and digitally interconnected. Consequently, he says, “I see it as crucial and future-thinking to understand these pressing issues.”

But that’s not all he does at IE University. Tomás has managed to build a full life here, both in and out of class. As the incumbent president of the IE Charity Club and the student-led IE Student Sustainability Committee, he’s already making a difference in his little corner of the world. He also spreads positive impact through the IE Center for Health & Well-being, where he’s currently undertaking a full-time internship.

Outside the university, Tomás has another part-time gig in wedding catering to strengthen his managerial skills. But his free time is devoted to his hobbies, which include swimming, running, going to the gym or spending time with his family and friends.

“I appreciate IE University because of the unique perspective of the future it offers,” he says. “It opens your eyes to embrace change and be a part of it, not resist it or be afraid of it.” That’s a lesson Tomás knows will serve him well in whatever path he chooses to pursue. He advises other students to make the most of every resource at their disposal, from the faculty to the extracurriculars and more. “It seems like a long journey—and it is—but make sure you enjoy every step of it.”

In Their Shoes | genuine student stories: Tomás Lucero