Bedor Al-Rashoudi

About me

My current role is the CEO of Jazan Energy and Development Company – a publicly listed company with a diversified portfolio of multiple sectors including aquaculture, agriculture, real estate, industrial projects, among other investments.

shapeBedor Al-Rashoudi
case2CEO at Jazan Energy and Development Company
mapPointSaudi Arabia

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. ― Theodore Roosevelt."

Bedor Al-Rashoudi


My professional career has always been characterised by diversity in role and industry, and maximum exposure. Such career opportunities shaped up my skills and knowledge with a curve that constantly went up, providing me with both the courage and privilege to experience new things and practice different roles.

With that, I come with so much believe in authenticity and passion for not only empowering the people around me but to allow them to empower me as well.

I received my education at King Saud University and gained a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Technology Science. Later on, I received my Master of Business Administration (MBA) at ie Business School.

My career began in the financial sector. Particularly at Riyadh Bank, which is one of the largest financial institutions in Saudi Arabia. Spending the first five years moving through different departments and learning all the ins and outs of the business, including managing projects that aimed at increasing organizational efficiency and improve customer experience.

Following those condensed five years in banking, I joined SAMA (Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority) , the Saudi central bank. I was the first female employee, with so much determination to pave the way for my fellow female colleagues to receive similar opportunities at work. I then spent a couple of years at global consulting firm Ernst & Young, focusing on public sector projects such as privatization. Then contributed to Saudi Vision 2030 initiatives, of government performance and management and transparency towards better government performance and reporting, by establishing one of the core practices at the National Centre for Performance Management (ADAA). Working for a government start-up was an amazing experience from which I gained a lot of knowledge, practical experience and new skills that have proven to be invaluable in my subsequent career journey.

I had the opportunity to join the Ministry of Interior transformation program as a founding team member and heading the Program’s Strategy Office. The program aimed to transform the Ministry from multiple standpoints including efficiency and effectiveness.

I am a risk taker when it comes to my career and new challenges, because I think to grow, and to grow we often have to take a leap of faith.

Determined to continuously push myself out of my comfort zone, I have always taken advantage of the opportunities available for me throughout my career, greatly expanding my experience in a wide range of sectors. So, When I got the chance to become the CEO of a corporate, I didn’t think twice.

What skills do you consider are needed to succeed in your personal and professional life?

I can say with outmost trust that every skill is important and brings forth value, the trick is to know which skill to focus on at which stage in your career. I could bundle the following skills and competencies, which I believe are core and timeless.

  • Adaptability; to have an open mind towards change, adaptability is to thrive in and cope with change.
  • Focus; to commit to your plans. Whenever challenges occur – bad days, good days – stay focused on your mission and follow your north star. You will face a lot of distractions, feedback, different opinions about your own path and decisions, nonetheless, stay focused.
  • Resilience; to accept loss and change. To overcome stress and setbacks at work and in life. Learn to develop a growth mindset, where difficulties are viewed as temporary events – this is not your life – and learning experiences.

How did IE help you get to where you are today?

IE provides for rich experiences beyond expectations. Inspirational learning opportunities through diversity and cultural exchange. Stimulating innovative thinking, gaining perspective, and being able to learn with and from international peers and professors.

What is one thing you wished you knew when you were a student?

Run your own race. Often times we get trapped in someone else’s story. I cannot emphasise on this enough; stop comparing yourself with others. The path on which you are is your own journey, and it is very special and unique to you, so you might as well invest in discovering what fits for you.

Do you have any advice for IE alumni who are looking to go into your field?

Be open to opportunities; ‘successful careers are not planned but are developed when people are prepared for opportunities.’, Peter Drucker

Push for exploration; don’t hesitate, this is how you will grow. You might not find it easy, and it might be scary to opt for stretching and discovery, but you will find it worthy.