Abhishek Kumar Mishra

Business Impact
Nominated of the EPIC Awards 2020
Abhishek Kumar Mishra | Epic Awards IE University

"Integrity and Honesty is very costly however it comes free with the character of Man."

Country Head Human Resources at M+W Group. IMBA 2013.

I have been working in Human Resources and Business strategy areas of business with global business houses. Did my first MBA in 2004 and second at IE in 2013. I prefer taking assignments which have social impact, create profits and can uplift weaker section of society. I feel charity wont help society, but ethical business will. Ethically profitable business are biggest source of equal wealth distribution and global harmony. I have stood for lives of people who were killed in an accident and their bodies were disposed illegally. For greed of few people thousands of workers were deprived of their rightful earning for years together running in to hundreds of millions of Dollars. I am glad that I could help these people and save them from further exploitation and money is coming back.

How did IE help you get to where you are today?

My learnings at IE were of tremendous help in shaping my today. Safe guarding thousands of people was my professional duty as Head of HR for the region with around 15000 people. As part of management I was in splits on whether to remain silent for global management mass exploitation continue or I stand for lives and rights of weaker section of society and discharge the duties of Head of HR/Strategy. My education at IE helped me in not even considering the option of leaving my employees in lurch under exploitation. The exposure at IE helped in contesting legal cases against country’s biggest counsels and win all of them single handedly. The corporate finally had to realize the strength of Integrity and Honesty and discharged its duties as per provisions of law. IE inculcated and developed habit of looking at things holistically. I am glad IE made me who I am and so I could help thousands of people. The recognition I received as one of the three most honest Indians is because of my exposure at IE.

Which are your three most notable achievements in your professional life?

1) Managing business of Smart Cities for a 18 Billion $ organisation

2) National level Recognition as one of three Honest men for my professional conduct.

3) Becoming Management team member of India’s biggest media house.

Does success have a secret formula? If so, what is it?

Belief in self and being trust worthy is the best formula for success. If people can feel that they have your back and no harm would reach them , you will grown professionally and personally. Keep reading, stay fit and have great friends to rely upon.


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.