Elena Moral Grande

Business impact
Nominated of the EPIC Awards 2024
A professional woman in a blue blazer stands with crossed arms against a black background.

“CHANGE is probably the word that is impacting more in our lives today. 

2.500 years ago Heraclitus said ‘there is nothing permanent but the change’, but today the pace of changes has increased dramatically. Society, cities, technology, our way of living… Life is in constant change.

As citizen and business leaders we must embrace change, behave flexible, be versatile and use technology and innovation as enablers to create a better world”.

Chief Operating Officer of Talgo. ExMBA 2010.

I was born in Spain, where I studied two Engineering degrees: Mechanical and Electronic. I have developed my professional career in the railway sector, having the privilege of leading some of the most important and impactful projects in the industry. During the first years, I was focused on developing the very-high-speed industry in Spain, recognized today as one of the best globally. Later I led the export of our expertise to other countries, such as Germany in Europe (the reference of the European industry), or to Middle East with the Haramain Project in Saudi Arabia. This project, which I led between 2012 and 2018, joins the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah and is known as the biggest challenge in the industry: build a very-high-speed line across one of the hardest environments, the Saudi desert. After this Project I was honoured as the Best European Engineer in the Railway Business in the WICE awards in 2019. I have also obtained other recognitions as Innovation Leader in Spain in 2020 or Best Industrial Engineer of Spain in 2023. These awards recognize my work but for me, the real value is the derived chance to promote the Technology and Industry as key factors to create a better world for everybody. This is clearly one of my goals.

How did IE help you get to where you are today?

I honestly consider that IE changed my life. Before studying my EMBA, I was focused just on a technical view. IE gave me the 360-degree view of a company and opened my eyes to a new world where business and technology mixed to round out my professional profile. Due to my IE experience, I had exposure to business positions where I succeeded due to the knowledge and skills I gained in the EMBA: team management, organisational leadership, communication... Additionally, it helped me to build an incredible network of really outstanding and inspiring people, my classmates from which I still continue learning.

What are three achievements you are most proud of?

1. Professionally, I talked before about the Haramain Project in Saudi Arabia, which I led since 2012 during 7 years. We faced huge challenges, with enormous technical (temperatures higher than 50 degrees and a big concentration of sand and dust) and management complexity (14 companies as part of the Spanish Consortium and a client with a different culture and standards), but with no doubt, what I am most proud of is that I overcame certain ideological prejudices due to the fact of being a woman and the maximum responsible of the project in a cultural environment such as Saudi Arabia was. I managed to earn the respect and the trust of the client and my colleagues. Because what I consider really important is our knowledge, professionalism, perseverance, respect for the colleagues and the client, a results-oriented management mentality and the work that every person is capable of delivering. And that has nothing to do with gender. 

2. I consider technology and innovation as clear enablers for a better future and a better world. For this reason I am committed to make engineering and technology available worldwide and especially to young people so that they consider STEM along with Business in their professional careers. With this aim, I am member of the Strategic Board of the Women and Engineering Program organized by the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain and I give talks at universities and schools to share my experience as engineer and businesswoman. I have the privilege of giving back what I have been able to achieve.

3. And last, but not least, and being conscious of my professional (and personal) evolution, from more technical positions to my current role as the COO of Talgo with the responsibility of defining operationally the future of the company, I value recognizing me as the same person as ever, with a complete clarity of my origin, my roots and the strong set of values that guide all my thoughts and actions.

What does success look like for you?

Success is when you have been capable to discover your purpose in your life and you implement it every day with passion to serve others and to create a better world.

  • A woman standing in front of two high-speed trains at a station.
  • A woman sitting at the control panel inside a train cockpit.


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.