Lolita Taub

Women inspiring women
Nominated of the EPIC Awards 2020
Lolita Taub | Epic Awards IE University

"I'm pushing for diversity in tech by connecting underestimated founders to investors and capital through my Startup-Investor Matching tool."

Chief of Staff at Catalyte, Inc. IMBA 2017.

Hi! My name is Lolita Taub. I’m a first-gen Latinx woman going on 14 yrs in tech, with +$50M of sales and 11 angel + 26 VC investments under my belt, on a mission to create a world where tech is created by and for the diversity of our population. To make it happen, I find ways to use my superpower of connecting people and resources to get results for everybody. That’s led me to all my current roles: tech startup investor, founder, operator, and side-hustler. I love doing it all but it’s a lot of work. So, to refresh, I do walks-and-talks with my husband Josh, watch Netflix in my PJs, travel, and treat myself to quiet Sunday mornings accompanied by an extra-hot soy latte.

How did IE help you get to where you are today?

IE provided me with foundational startup and venture capital knowledge and connections which helped me land my first VC role at an early stage fund.

In which way do you think your work is impacting women’s lives?

My work helps women and other underestimated founders gain access to investor connections, capital, and content. Ask three help them on their startup journey.

Where do you see the future of women?

Women and other underestimated founders will build the companies of the future – ones that represent the diversity of our population and produce the products and services that the mass market sorely needs.


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.