Munya Gwisai

Young & Ambitious Minds
Nominated of the EPIC Awards 2018

Munya Gwisai, CEO and Co-founder of Pich Technologies, established his tech firm after graduating from IE. This young African businessman believes in courage, effort and perseverance, and hopes to be an inspiration for a new generation of entrepreneurs.

Co-founder and CEO of Pich Technologies

“During my last year at IE University, I was required to present a thesis. My thesis was the business plan for what would become the company that I later founded.”

The professional career of Munyaradzi Gwisai, a young businessman from Zimbabwe, is intimately linked to his time at IE, from where he graduated in 2014. “During my last year at IE University, I was required to present a thesis. My thesis was the business plan for what would become the company that I later founded. So, shortly after graduation, along with a partner, I was able to raise funds from family and prominent business angels to get our company started,” says this CEO and Co-founder of Pich Technologies, a firm that makes it simple for developers and businesses to access financial data.

Gwisai was deeply involved in this company from the start, when Pich Technologies was just an idea. Launched in 2015, the firm has absorbed all his energies, time and passion over the past three years. “We are currently one of the leading financial data providers in Spain, and as we raise a new multi-million euro round, we will be aiming to become one of the biggest providers of consumer financial data in Europe,” says this 27-year-old businessman. Before founding his firm, he got professional experience at an NGO and some government and private institutions.

His maximum priority at the moment is to consolidate his company. Gwisai recognizes that it’s only now that he is beginning to feel at ease in his role and duties.

“I believe that as I continue to advance in my company, or elsewhere, I will only learn more. Every day feels like a new learning experience, with the inherent challenges that you face as an entrepreneur,” he says.

Another objective of Pich Technologies in the medium term is to expand into other European cities and even Latin America. “I see myself participating more in activities that give something back to less advantaged communities and to other entrepreneurs, because I believe that keeps you humble and also allows for one of the biggest gifts life has given us: the ability to pass on knowledge to other people so they can use it for themselves,” says Gwisai.

Over the long term, this young African dreams of leaving the day-to-day operations of his company to work with new entrepreneurs:

“I love hearing about new ideas and seeing how they come to life. Perhaps I will have this role in a venture capitalist capacity, or by providing some kind of mentorship to prospective entrepreneurs. I would also like to take my time in the long term future to travel with my family and create new experiences that are not necessarily connected to business. These experiences for me are more important than any kind of success that business can give you,” he adds.

For Gwisai, winning one the EPIC Award would be important because it would demonstrate that an alumnus can receive an award even though he’s never worked for someone else. “I also believe in the visibility it would give to my company. Most importantly, it would show other people from my country and in Africa that it’s possible to come from certain parts of the world and find success in more developed countries. I believe it would serve as inspiration to many other aspiring entrepreneurs who were in similar situations to mine.” His advice for young people is to never give up: “If you don’t give up, you won’t fail,” he says with conviction.


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.