Nabila Toubia Morcos

Women inspiring women
Nominated of the EPIC Awards 2016

Nabila Toubia Morcos is pure energy and forcefulness. She’s also a smile. This woman from Sudan owns a strategy and human resources consultancy called EN-CAPS, which she directs from its offices in Jordan. In spite of her full schedule, for years she has found time to defend the rights of women, especially in Arab countries, through the International Women’s Forum. Her vision of feminism is, at the same time, an exercise in admiration for those men who value and support their daughters and female co-workers, and a call to the responsibility of families to try and educate their children in the spirit of equality: Nabila has immense confidence in the possibilities for women as long as they believe in themselves, work with other women instead of seeing them as rivals, and learn to cooperate with men. She is also exercise vigilance over governments and companies so that they will favor gender equality.

Owner and Managing Director at EN-CAPS Consult. AMP 2006 & GSMP 2008.


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.