Palmira Diaz Fernandez

Young & Ambitious Minds
Winner of the EPIC Awards 2022

"Solving one’s problem can become a scalable opportunity. Do it with purpose, and the reward will be priceless."

Founder & CEO of Ulindr. MIM 2019

My name is Palmira Diaz, a young 25-year-old entrepreneur with a broad multicultural background, having lived in different countries across the globe such as Peru, Russia, the UK, Malta, and Spain. Straight after finishing my undergraduate studies in the UK, I started a Master’s in Management and Digital Business at IE Business School. Here is where my entrepreneurial journey started. As a young bisexual woman, my first struggle in this sphere was coming out of the closet and acknowledging the fact that I liked women. The second and most painful one was struggling to connect with other LGBTQ+ women. I discovered the power that technology holds to uncover hidden communities and serve as a bridge to shape meaningful connections among the members of these communities. However, technology and online dating were not properly addressing the lesbian and bisexual niche, and this was a pain that I was experiencing myself. I founded Ulindr back in 2019 while I was completing my masters in IE. At that time, Ulindr was awarded the First Prize in IE Venture Lab. It was an MVP gaining a bit of traction. Today Ulindr is a sustainable business with more than half a million users serving the purpose of connecting LGBTQ+ women in an online space where they can feel safe and respected. Amongst all the valuable lessons that I have learned from my entrepreneurial experience, the one that prevails the most is the following: Solving one problem can become a scalable opportunity. And if that problem is affecting millions of people, one can rest assured that your solution to your own problem will have an impact on contributing to a brighter, fairer, and more inclusive future.

How did IE helped you to get where you are today?

IE being a top-tier business school provided me with a solid business sense and with key foundational elements that guided me in times of uncertainty and helped me face challenges with open eyes. In addition, I gained considerable exposure to mentors, peers, faculty and an enrichiching network of alumni coming from many professional backgrounds and cultures.

What is the best advice you can give to a young individual starting his/her professional career?

Be patient and faithful when finding your way. Choose your own adventure.

What does the future have in store for you?

In my opinion, the future does not exist, we build it. And it is predictable in its unpredictability. The premise with which I always approach the future is the following: Be humble at the mountaintops, be strong in the valleys, and be faithful in between.


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.