Rafaela Valencia Dongo

Young & Ambitious Minds
Winner of the EPIC Awards 2024
Rafaela Valencia Dongo | Epic Awards IE University

“If you use design as a late-stage afterthought, you're missing out.”

Founder & Creative Director of Retablo. BID 2022.

Driven by the transformative power of design to empower communities, drive impact at scale, and foster innovation, I am Rafaela—a storyteller, innovation strategist, and digital nomad. Born surrounded by Arequipa's breathtaking volcanoes and later moving to Peru's bustling capital, I experienced firsthand the challenges we face as a country, from a broken political system to education inequality. These experiences fueled my passion to drive change. My journey took me 17,000 kilometers away to pursue a new degree at IE University, that will give me the right tools and processes to turn ideas into impactful services capable of generating value for society at every level — that’s how I became a Design Strategist. As the founder of Retablo, a strategic innovation studio, I collaborate closely with organizations to immerse myself in communities' needs and aspirations, co-designing solutions that are not only impactful but also tailored to real-world needs. My dedication to social good extends to my role as the Curator at Global Shapers Madrid, a World Economic Forum initiative. There, I empower young leaders under 30 to tackle local, regional, and global challenges, fostering a network of passionate individuals effecting positive impact. Today I can confidently say that my purpose as a designer and global citizen is to Design a Brighter Tomorrow. Over the past years, I've delved into the transformative potential of design in reshaping the future of education, humanizing end-of-life experiences, and nurturing a culture of innovation that transcends boundaries.

How did IE help you get to where you are today?

IE University played a crucial role in shaping me into the designer and social innovator I am today. My time there wasn't just about acquiring technical skills; it was about building a foundation for creative problem-solving and social change. The Bachelor in Design program equipped me with a robust "modular toolbox" of design concepts, techniques, and ways of thinking. Essential tools like Miro, Notion, and Zoom, introduced in class, are now an integral part of my everyday design practice. Beyond these tools, IE fostered an environment of exploration and experimentation, which led me to build two of my current startups: Retablo and Afterfin. For me, it was the launchpad that propelled me on this journey.

What is the best advice you can give to a young individual starting his/her professional career?

“Never allow your passion to fly be overtaken by the ease and safety of walking.” This phrase has become a key element in my entrepreneurial journey. If I could give young students some advice it would be this: 1. Take the leap, jump into the pool—what's the worst that could happen? 2. Learning comes from experimenting—dive in and explore. Don't fear failure; it's all part of the journey toward success. 3. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. Embrace discomfort, embrace uncertainty, and never stop pushing the boundaries of what you believe is possible.

What does the future have in store for you?

I am an active participant in shaping the future. I'm driven by the desire to make meaningful change, whether through innovation, leadership, or social responsibility. I've learned that taking risks is essential for growth, and it has become a constant in my life. As I prepare to speak at South Summit 2024 and embark on a journey to the World Economic Forum Headquarters to gather inspiration alongside 500 other leaders, I've also made the decision to dive back into entrepreneurship. I'm joining an accelerator program to pursue a dream of mine—to reinvent the end-of-life experience. Yes, I’m talking about death, a topic that may be uncomfortable for some, but also an industry that urgently needs innovation and designers to jump in.


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.