Robert Moody

Young & Ambitious Minds
Nominated of the EPIC Awards 2022
Robert Moody | Epic Awards IE University

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing."

Security Operations Center (SOC) Senior Manager of The Home Depot. MCS 2018

My name is Robert Moody. I am originally from South Florida, USA. I have a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity from IE University and an Executive Master’s in Business Administration (EMBA) from Quantic School of Business and Technology. I am currently a Doctoral candidate at Purdue University. Professionally, my role is a Senior Manager overseeing the Security Operations Center for a Fortune 18 Retailer. I am charged with ensuring the operational excellence of the Cyber Threat Intelligence, Digital Forensics, e-Discovery, Red Team, Incident and Problem Management, and Threat Detection and Response functions. My aspiration is to one day become CISO of a Fortune 50 organization. After receiving my Doctorate in Technology, I would like to teach cybersecurity courses at a university. Some interesting facts about me are that I am an avid Scuba diver, lover of Hard Rock and Metal Music, and have a degree in the Geological Sciences.

How did IE helped you to get where you are today?

My experience at IE was life-changing. Prior to moving to Madrid to attend my Master’s program, I had only been to Europe one other time traveling with my family. The cultural, culinary, and historical experiences I had in Madrid shaped my world views. IE also offered me an opportunity to expand my horizons and become an expert in my chosen career field, cybersecurity. Before studying at IE, my understanding of cybersecurity was very limited. The knowledge imparted to me by world-class instructors has allowed me to rapidly rise through the ranks of large multi-national corporations and has offered me job security regardless of my residency. Most importantly, IE was where I met my wife, whom we are now expecting our first child late in 2022. Without IE, I would not have been able to forge a support network that has been there to support me professionally and personally no matter the challenge.

What is the best advice you can give to a young individual starting his/her professional career?

The advice I would give to a young individual starting his or her career would be “Dress me slowly, I am in a hurry”, this quote is attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte. There are other variations to this advice such as the US Special Operations mantra of ‘slow is smooth and smooth is fast’, but the end message is that by taking your time in hectic and pressure-packed situations you will ensure that you meet your end goal with a high-quality deliverable. It is faster to take more time up front, to make sure you have a well-thought-out plan, than it will be to start from scratch a second time.

What does the future have in store for you?

In the near term, I will be completing my Doctorate in Technology and looking to become an adjunct professor teaching cybersecurity and giving back my knowledge and experiences to future cyber defenders. I plan to continue my professional growth and seek to become a CISO for a Fortune 50 organization eventually. In a personal capacity, I want to continue to maintain my work-life balance and spend as much time with family.

  • Robert Moody | Epic Awards IE University
  • Robert Moody | Epic Awards IE University


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.