Teresa Alarcos Tamayo

Women inspiring women
Nominated of the EPIC Awards 2022
Teresa Alarcos Tamayo | Epic Awards IE University

"When I wake up in the morning, I look myself in the mirror thinking about the challenges of life, and I say to myself: "YES, I CAN"

Chairwoman and Founder of W Startup C. M. E-Business 2000

I studied Medicine in Valladolid (Spain), an International MBA Full time in Paris and Barcelona, and I earned a scholarship to Michigan State University, where I understood the upsides of being a “minority”, a word that I didn’t even know… It was 1986. My goal: being useful to society by doing something that I like, whether it’s at school, teaching, or trying to learn piano during the Summer holidays (even though I have no talent). My parents have inspired me to pursue and innovate, and to listen to everyone, no matter where they come from. You always need to keep learning, finding balance between family, friends, work, pleasure, and being generous to society.

20 years as an executive and 10 as board member. 7 years ago, I created an association to help women who wanted to start a business, I brought together all my friends and reached 22 countries. We do meetings with more than 1,000 digital talents from 4 continents and share the uses of disruptive technologies. We also give visibility to hidden talents. During the pandemic I wasn’t sleeping quite well, so I wrote a book, “Female Entrepreneurs”, now available in English… I have travelled Spain as a guest speaker, and now I am going to Italy, the US, New Guinea, Israel… Do what comes from the heart and generosity will pay off…

How did IE helped you to get where you are today?

IE taught me values like leadership and excelling. IE taught me how to be a mentor (I took part in its first mentoring program, back in 2001.) It was wonderful to help unique women that I am still in touch with after 20 years. I learnt about e-business in 2000, and how to run an entrepreneurial endeavour… I learnt how to network! To have a sense of belonging to a community that helps you with your purpose: we have done many pitching events and unique meetings for female entrepreneurs… And the most important: keeping that flame with your school alive.

How are you impacting the lives of women?

By giving female entrepreneurs free access to training programs, scholarships, and awards from our association, as well as a conference that is on its Sixth Edition: Inspiring Women Leaders, which we hold at Repsol. We have created a governance model, a reputational token for volunteers, to whom we give tokens (with no economic value, but a reputational one.) This way you help closing the digital gap.

In your opinion, what institutional or societal changes need to be made to keep women at the forefront of business and society?

We need a cultural change, presenting role models that inspire the paths and the callings of those who wish to focus their lives on these subject-matters. Belonging to a community to help each other out, and sharing our achievements through media: what is not known cannot be chosen…

  • Teresa Alarcos Tamayo | Epic Awards IE University
  • Teresa Alarcos Tamayo | Epic Awards IE University


We will announce the winners of the 8th Edition of the EPIC Awards on June 8th during the Gala Dinner at the Global Alumni Weekend.