Andrew Vincent

Professional Experience

Professor Vincent says he has never lost his childhood inquisitiveness and market research has therefore provided him with the ideal career to continue exploring the world. He has been a market research and insight practitioner for more than 20 years and is currently co-owner of a specialist research consultancy, Waves. He mostly works in the Consumer (fmcg, retail, technology) and Health / Medical (devices & pharmaceuticals) sectors where he is involved in both qualitative and quantitative research approaches.

Professor Vincent has particular expertise in New Product Development (especially technology); Brand Positioning & Communications (in particular multi-media) and Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty. He is an experienced practitioner with both established techniques such as surveys and focus groups and newer approaches including online qualitative and surveys adapted for smartphones / tablets. During his career he has conducted research in a wide range of countries and made presentations to research related audiences in Australia, Columbia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Thailand, UAE and, of course, most European countries and the US.

He is an experienced educator in the research sector and has conducted training in Africa, Asia, Europe and the US. He is also an active member of both the UK Market Research Society and esomar. In the UK he is Chair of the MRS Training Advisory Group, sits on their Professional Development Advisory Board and acts as an examiner for their Postgraduate Diploma.

Academic Background

• Executive Program in B2B Marketing, Northwestern University, Evanston, US

• Degree in Mathematics and Geography, University of London (St Marys College), London UK

Corporate Experience

• Managing Director, Waves Research & Consulting, 2005 - Present

• European Managing Director, Wirthlin Worldwide, 2002 - 2005

• Managing Director, Business & Market Research, 1996 - 2002

• Senior Research Executive / Director, Business & Market Research, 1988 - 1996

• Research Executive, Harris Research Centre, 1985 - 1988

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