David Santos Velasco

David Santos is Assistant Professor of Psychology at IE University. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Statistics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). His research interests focus on attitude change and how metacognitive processes influence subsequent judgments. He has performed research stays at Ohio State University, working under the supervision of Pablo Briñol and Richard Petty, and in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. His research interests focus on cognitive and metacognitive processes of attitude change. He has published in prestigious journals such as Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, European Journal of Social Psychology, Personality and Individual Differences, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, Psychology of Violence and Quality of Life Research, among others. In addition to his academic career, he is currently collaborating with the international NGO Intermedia Social Innovation, aiming at the implementation and evaluation of social marketing interventions and campaigns based on scientific research. He has also served as an associate consultant of the Travel Club Chair in Loyalty Programs at IE Business School, providing his expertise in social and consumer psychology and statistical advice.


• Assistant Professor of Psychology at IE University, 2019 – Present


• PhD (Honors), Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and The Ohio State University; Spring 2018

• MS (Honors), Statistics, Department of Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Spring 2014

• BS (Honors), Psychology, Department of Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Spring 2012


 Santos, D., Martínez, R., Briñol, P., Petty, R. E. (2022). “Improving attitudes toward minority groups by thinking about the thoughts and metacognitions of their members”. European Journal of Social Psychology

 Santos, D., Paredes, B., Briñol, P., Petty, R. E. (2022). “Trait aggressiveness and aggressive behavior: The simultaneous influence of contextual variables”. Psychology of Violence, 12(6), 438 – 449

• Lamprinakos, G., Magrizos, S., Kostopoulos, I., Drossos, D., Santos, D. (2022). “Overt and covert customer data collection in online personalized advertising: The role of user emotions”. Journal of Business Research, 141, 308 – 320

Last Name
Santos Velasco