Federico García Vivancos

Federico is an Industrial Engineer with over 11 years of professional experience including time spent at a leading global Management Consulting Firm (Booz & Company), he has also worked in the Valuation and Transaction Services department at PwC, in a Goldman Sachs Infrastructure Partners subsidiary (Redexis Gas), in a leading insurance company in Spain (Santalucía Seguros) and currently at Enel Group, a worldwide energy leader.

He holds an International MBA from IE Business School in Madrid combined with a Long Exchange at Kellogg School of Management in the United States. Moreover, he is fluent in Spanish, English and French with broad international on-the-ground experience across Europe, South America and Middle East (Saudi Arabia).

Federico is able to integrally work and negotiate in Spanish, English and French, he is used to working in highly demanding situations and has a strong strategic vision combined with a broad leadership capacity. Results oriented. Ability to get things done. High adaptability. Strong financial modelling skills.


• Senior Manager, Strategy & Corporate Development – Enel X., 2021 – Present

• Senior Manager, Corporate Development & Strategic Planning and Control – Santalucía seguros, 2019 – 2021

• Senior Manager, Strategy and M&A at Redexis Gas (100% Goldman Sachs Infrastructure Partners) , 2015 – 2019

• Manager, PwC Valuations and Corporate Finance, 2015

• Senior Consultant, Booz & Company, 2010 – 2013


• Adjunct Professor of Finance, IE University, Spain, 2021 – Present


• Industrial Engineer Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2003 – 2009

• IE Business School MBA 2014 / MBA Long Exchange Kellogg School of Management

Federico García Vivancos | IE University
Last Name
García Vivancos