Guillermo de Haro

Dr. Guillermo de Haro Rodriguez has combined his academic passion with a successful entrepreneurial and management career. He is a telecommunication engineer with an MBA Cum Laude at IE Business School and two doctorates, one in engineering and another in applied economics.

Prof. de Haro has extensive experience as an Academic Director in several international institutions. He served as Deputy Vice Rector for International Relations and Postgraduate Programs at King Juan Carlos University. He worked with Google to create and run the Activate program, which helped hundreds of thousands of Spanish unemployed people. 

"Google Activate was one of the most rewarding challenges I have ever had in my life. Amid the financial crisis, we increased the employability of a new generation. Creating awareness on young entrepreneurs from all over the world motivated and inspired them."

He has worked in software and technology development (AvanGroup, Zyonia), ebusiness and innovation consulting (Socintec), retail (Workcenter SGD), and the entertainment industry (Technicolor or Jot Down Cultural Magazine) during his corporate career. Guest Lecturer at institutions like Universidad de Salamanca or private universities in Germany, Latin America, and Canada, ha holds a comprehensive understanding of both business and academic worlds.

Regardless his several Awards for Teaching Excellence at IE and other institutions, he believes there always is room for improvement. "Teaching is the best way to learn. Learning is the best way to teach. I am an eternal student who enjoys both sides of the equation", comments.

Author of several books and articles combining academic rigor with accessible examples. Collaborator in Capital Radio on the awarded shows “The Economic Spectator”, Professor de Haro has published articles in generalist media and respected journals like MIT Sloan or HBR. Writer of award-winning case studies, creator of multimedia content like an educational app or a comic book about economics, he also is an accredited journalist who interviews top personalities.

“It’s important to have a foothold in the day-to-day of business. Case studies and interviews help me keep my finger on the pulse of the industries. Books about millennials or stoicism help me maintain a humanistic view. Companies are people and everything begins and ends with people.”

Academic Experience

• Vice Dean, Graduate Programs, IE University. School of Science & Technology, Spain, 2023 - Present

• Academic Director, Corporate Programs (Saudi Aramco & Zain), IE University. School of Science & Technology, Spain, 2023 - Present

• Academic Director, Graduate Programs, IE University. School of Science & Technology, Spain, 2022 - Present

• Deputy Vice Rector for International Relations and Postgraduate Studies, URJC, Spain, 2014 - 2018

• Academic Director for several different programs (URJC, European University, OBS, U-Tad, IMF, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, ...), 2009 - 2022

• Academic Coordinator at Google Activate, Spain, 2012 - 2018

• Academic Director, Award in Achievement in Digital Analytics (Spanish Track), University of British Columbia & Digital Analytics Association, 2014 - 2017

• Adjunct Faculty, IE Business School, Spain, 2003 - Present

• Associate Professor, URJC (Applied Economics), Spain, 2007 - 2018

• Guest lecturer in several academic institutions (Universidad de Salamanca, IUBH, EAE, Munich Business School, Elite Bayerische Akademie, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, UEMC ...)

Corporate Experience

• Partner and Publisher, Jot Down Cultural Magazine, Spain, 2011 - Present

• Economic Advisor, Metaworld Games, Spain, 2021 - Present

• Consultant, Socintec (IBV Corporation), Spain, 2000 - 2001

• COO, Workcenter SGD, Spain, 2004 - 2005

• Strategic Development Manager, Technicolor Entertainment Services, Spain, 2005 - 2007

• Entrepreneur (AvanGroup, e-Strategas, Synopsys Producciones Audiovisuales,

Academic Background

• Telecommunication Engineer, ESI of Bilbao, 2001

• MSc, Master in Telematics, ESI of Bilbao, 2001

• MBA (Cum Laude), IE Business School, 2002

• MA, Master in Cinema, TV and New Interactive Media, URJC, 2010

• Doctor, Industrial Organization (European Mention), UPV/EHU, 2004

• Doctor, Applied Economics, URJC, 2015

• University Expert in Ecommerce and Cybersecurity, UNED, 2001

• Executive Program in the Audiovisual Industry, IE Business School, 2006

• Award in Achievement in Digital Analytics, University of British Columbia & Digital Analytics Association, 2012

• Strategic Decision and Risk Management, Stanford University, 2014

• Seminars on Teaching with Cases, Harvard Business School, 2014,2020

• Data Science Bootcamp, The Bridge, 2022

Last Name
de Haro
Vice Dean, Graduate Programs, IE University. School of Science & Technology