Miguel Torres De Miguel

Miguel Torres is Director/Senior Manager at Accenture Strategy (Customer & Growth Strategy Practice) and International MBA from IE Business School. His expertise is in Go to Market Strategy & Digital Transformation, with +16 years’ cross sector experience (Utilities, Auto, Insurance, Public Sector, Construction materials, Media, Telco, Consumer Goods, Real Estate, Food, Retail, Certification…) in 15 countries; always in daily client facing roles. Additionally, he is professor in Digital Transformation & Innovation Leadership and mentor at IE, and member of the `Digital Society´ Commission at the CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organizations).


• Director/Senior Manager, Accenture Strategy, Spain, 2012 – Present

• Political Strategy Consultant, S&SM, Spain, 2009 – 2010

• International Trade Consultant, Madrid Chamber of Commerce, USA, 2008

• Marketing Assistant, Sörensen Group, Spain, 2007

• Journalist, La Gaceta de los Negocios, Spain, 2004 – 2007


• Adjunct Professor of Digital Transformation, IE Business School, Spain, 2019 – Present

• Academic Mentor in the International MBA, IE Business School, Spain, 2021 – Present


• International MBA in IE Business School, Spain, 2010

• Postgraduate Course in Political Campaign Management, ICADE, 2009

• Postgraduate Course in International Trade, Madrid Chamber of Commerce, 2007

• Bachelor of Arts (BA): Journalism Degree, CEU, Spain, 2007

Miguel Torres De Miguel
Last Name
Torres De Miguel