Samuel González Mancebo

He loves teaching and researching. He started his research in 1992 at the Chemistry-Physics department at University of Salamanca. He obtained the doctoral award with his thesis in the 1997 – 1998 academic year. In the last part of the 1996 he did part of his thesis in the University of Bielefeld in Germany.

Since 1997 he has been teaching and researching at IE University. From 2015 he is a professor of Mathematics in the BBA program and in the dual BBALLB/BBALLB programs.

Between 2003 and 2010 he was vice-chancellor for academic affairs and between 2010, and 2015 the vice-chancellor for planning at IE University.

He has the positive evaluation by ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain) as a private university professor.

He is a member of ASEPUMA (Spanish Association of Professors of Mathematics in Economics and Business) and SEIEM (Spanish Society of Research in Mathematics Education).


• Professor of Practice and researcher, IE University, 1997 – Present

• Adjunct Professor, University of Salamanca, March – July, 1996


• Ph.D. in Chemistry, University de Salamanca, Spain, 1997

• Master in Environmental Education, Instituto de Investigaciones Ecológicas, Málaga, Spain, 1999

• Bachelor in Chemistry, University de Salamanca, Spain, 1992


• Vice-chancellor for Planning, IE University, 2010 – 2015

• Vice-chancellor for Academic Affairs, IE University, 2003 – 2010


• Vicente, F., Fagúndez, J., Aguilar, A., Diago, M. L., Diego, D., Esteban, R., Fernández, M., Ochoa de Alda, J., González, S., Merchán, M., P. Olea P., Tejedo, P., Trices, A., Van Etten, J., Sanz, M. J. (2012) “Innovación Docente en el Grado de Biología de IE Universidad durante su adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior”. In: El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y la educación por competencias, ISBN-13: 978-84-15524-06-9 (libro digital) 978-84-15524-01-4 (libro papel): 405 – 410

• Cuéllar J., González-Mancebo S., Martín A., García-Ceca J. J. y Lacadena J. (2005) “Genotoxicity of nitrosophenols in the SOS Chromotest: Inhibitory effect of ascorbic acid”. Oppidum 1: 357 – 372

Last Name
González Mancebo