A professional woman smiling in an office setting surrounded by plants.

Antoaneta Momcheva

About me

Antoaneta is a PhD candidate in Operations and Technology Management at IE Business School-IE University. Prior to joining IE’s doctoral program in Fall 2016, she worked as an Associate in a business intelligence consulting firm and as a Service Manager in a language academy. Her corporate experience and passion for research, inspired her to pursue a doctoral degree and study how service firms can utilize and adjust their resources (i.e., people, business units, services) to meet uncertainty in demand and to adapt to changes in their environment. Her primary research interests lie in the impact of using flexible labor arrangements such as external labor or unstable scheduling on individual, project as well firm performance. Antoaneta’s research received a Best Student Paper Award by the Academy of Management’s Operations and Supply Chain Management Division in 2020. She stands firm in the belief that a life spent doing what one loves, is a life worth living.

shapeAntoaneta Momcheva
case2PhD candidate in Operations and Technology Management
A nighttime view of Earth from space showing city lights and the curved horizon.

"The PhD program has taught me to welcome and embrace challenges because the only way to grow as a person and as a professional is to outgrow our limits and fears and to never stop learning."

Antoaneta Momcheva