A young man in a dark suit with a light green tie smiling in a modern building interior.

Emilio Tailleferd

About me

My name is Emilio Tailleferd. I’m French-Mexican, from Mexico City. I’m passionate about sports and music, having played the piano for nearly ten years at a professional level—sometimes in concert halls with more than 3,000 people. After graduating with a Master in Finance at IE University, I was able to get a job as an investment banking analyst at Citi.

shapeEmilio Tailleferd
case2Investment Banking Analyst, Citi
studentMaster in Finance
A group of people posing together on a soccer field.

"The IE experience was incredible for me, as I learned a lot about many finance subjects that interest me a lot. In addition, it played a key role for me to get my current job, in which I am happy and continuously learning."

Emilio Tailleferd

From concert pianist to banking: Emilio’s successful career change

Emilio Tailleferd is a multi-talented individual. He was a pianist for almost ten years at a professional level, performing regularly in Mexico to audiences of over 3,000 people. A keen footballer and an avid tennis player, he competed in tennis tournaments both in Mexico and while completing his bachelor’s degree in Switzerland. But while he has always been and still is a sportsman, it’s been quite a switch that Emilio has gone through professionally: from concert pianist to the finance world.

Wanting to progress in the finance world but realizing it was going to be difficult with a hospitality-related degree, Emilio decided to study a Master in Finance at IE University. He chose the program because of its hands-on approach, wanting industry-specific knowledge and understanding that would help him both secure a job and then be better at it. On top of that, the “incredible alumni network” and the chance to live in Madrid, a city he already loved, made up his mind.

Upon graduating, Emilio landed a job as an investment banking analyst at Citi in their new Malaga office, though he is part of their London-based Industrials team. He works on pitches and live deals for companies across the EMEA region, researching the market and other companies, undertaking valuation models and comparative analyses, and preparing marketing materials for clients. Emilio says that his early experience in this industry has justified his ambition to work in the finance sector; he’s been very happy so far. In the immediate future, he’d like to continue to progress professionally at Citi, hoping to move to one of their more “traditional offices” after some time in Malaga.

IE University played a crucial role in Emilio getting the job he always wanted. Almost half of the people in the Malaga office come from IE University. Emilio learned so much about the finance sector, but it was IE University’s help and guidance with applying to jobs that paved the way for his success. IE University also helped him build strong professional and personal relationships with both his fellow classmates and professors.

Emilio is certainly happy about his time at IE University, offering advice to future and potential students that perhaps reflects his own experience: “I think it’s important to be open-minded about the sectors of finance you are interested, in because you might think you don’t like them. But the program can make you change your mind,” he said. He also cautioned students to be prepared for negative responses during their job hunt; they’re to be expected when applying for roles, he said, encouraging them to continue to push for positions they want.

Summarizing his IE University experience, Emilio reflects that it was a period of growth. He says learned a lot about the finance sector, with the knowledge he gained in the program and the assistance of the Talent & Careers team playing an important role in him getting his current job. He is, he tells us, continuing to learn every day. Looking back, Emilio will always remember his time fondly as it was “an amazing experience that I will never forget.” We wish him the best with his new career.