A young man in a blue blazer and white shirt smiling outdoors with trees in the background.

Gianluca Delfino

About me

Gianluca Delfino is a Ph.D student in Accounting at IE University. Gianluca’s research is focused on management control, and specifically on firms’ performance measurement systems. Gianluca is also interested in studying firm risk, and the way managers can mitigate risk by designing and implementing more effective controls. In early 2021 Gianluca published an article in the Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal with the title: “Remote working, management control changes and employee responses during the COVID-19 crisis”, which the Ph.D. Research Committee awarded for “Outstanding” research. Gianluca is an Adjunct Faculty for IE’s course in Management Control, and serves as Teaching Assistant for a variety of statistics courses for the Ph.D. program. In his free time, Gianluca enjoys doing both outdoor and indoor sports, playing the piano, and cooking traditional Italian dishes.

shapeGianluca Delfino
case2Ph.D student in Accounting

"Through the Ph.D program I gained valuable knowledge and experience that I will bring with me for the rest of my career."

Gianluca Delfino