A professional portrait of a young man in a blue suit with a turquoise tie.

Luis Andrés Maradiaga

About me

I am from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where I currently live. I am a curious, ambitious and driven person who seeks to be in constant growth. I have a passion for the intersection between finance and development; in particular the power of finance to create a positive impact for social and economic prosperity, especially in developing countries. I aspire to progress in this field and be in a position to enact real change.

shapeLuis Andrés Maradiaga
case2Investment Officer, Structured Finance - BCIE
studentMaster in Finance
Group of diverse people smiling and posing together in front of a rustic building with a pile of logs nearby

"I believe that academics is only a part of the whole master’s experience—the other part involves exploring your interests through extracurricular activities and the clubs IE University has to offer."

Luis Andrés Maradiaga

Enacting real, positive change in the financial world

Luis Maradiaga was studying Industrial Engineering when, halfway through the course, he discovered an interest in finance. So he decided to simultaneously pursue a Finance degree. In fact, even before completing his undergraduate degree, he decided finance was where his career path lay. Wanting to strengthen his technical knowledge, accelerate his career development and gain a more global view of his subject, he was convinced that studying for a Master in Finance was the way to go.

As an Investment Officer in Structured Finance at the Central American Bank for Economic Integration in his home city of Tegucigalpa, the program turned out to be the perfect way to expand his knowledge. His work involves the structuring of investment projects for sustainable development for the region, and he says the solid foundation he gained on the Master in Finance armed him with the technical knowledge he needed to succeed.

Luis first learned about IE University when he noticed the name constantly occupying the top places on the Financial Times rankings. He says the program and its curriculum are “tailored for determined, ambitious professionals fresh out of college,” which described him perfectly, and he also saw the Madrid location as important, as it represented a chance to broaden his cultural horizons. And that’s certainly how it has turned out—the diversity of his classmates helped make memories inside and outside the classroom, proving to be one of his main takeaways from his time with us.

The best memory for Luis, and the highlight of his Master in Finance, was when he traveled to Ghana as part of his final project with Financieros sin Fronteras (Finance without Borders). He had the opportunity to work with a microfinance institution for a consultancy project, witnessing firsthand how financial services can be employed to fight poverty and drive development. He was able to understand the importance of microfinancing in financial inclusion initiatives, describing the experience as “truly an eye-opening from a personal and professional point of view.”

Luis recommends the program as “fantastic” to anyone who has a true interest in finance. Each course, he says, has a solid base and practical curriculum, where students gain real-world experience and learn from top-level sector professors with proven career experience. As importantly, Luis has enjoyed his time outside the classroom, too. The extracurricular activities and clubs IE University has to offer were big pluses for him, and living in a metropolis like Madrid enabled him to take in the diverse cultural environment; not just in the city, but in Europe as a whole.

Summing up, Luis’s experience at IE University was “dynamic and demanding, but very rewarding and enjoyable.” He was able to cross paths and network with people from all walks of life and careers, and says he experienced growth in many aspects of his life. The program tested his limits and reminded him to challenge himself on a daily basis. Most importantly, he learned how important it is to create your own opportunities, and seize the unexpected things that life throws your way.