Portrait of a young Asian man wearing glasses, a black suit, and a purple tie on a white background.

Quang Duc Pham

About me

Duc is a PhD student in Marketing at IE Business School, IE University. His research primarily focuses on habit, goal-setting, consumer’s heuristics, and how to apply empirical findings to consumer behavior, especially in the diverse contexts of interaction between humans and technology. His most recent research used field experiments to explore how to help people reduce mobile phone over-usage. He graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) with a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology. Professionally, Duc was a Research Assistant at NUS Centre for Behavioural Economics, where he had worked on several high-impact research and large-scale field studies related to water and energy-saving behaviors.

shapeQuang Duc Pham
case2PhD student in Marketing
Fishermen using large nets to fish in a shallow body of water during a vibrant sunset.

"At IE, I learn to develop my thinking and implementation of research in ways I couldn’t have imagined before."

Quang Duc Pham